This Week’s Classifieds: October 28, 2009


SERVING EITHER Rib Steak or Prime Rib every Monday 6 pm – 9 pm. $10.95. Knotty Pine, 402-386-5488, Petersburg, NE.  1tfc


FAMILY VISITING for the Holidays? Treat them to a great Pheasant and/or Prairie Chicken Hunt at Sandhill Seasons. 402-386-5457.            3-9p


Help Wanted: Assistant cook needed to work 15-20 hours a week. Apply at the Elgin Community Center – 843-5757.    2-3c

SEMI DRIVER Wanted: Full time position available. CDL, good driving record and experience hauling livestock required. Contact Len at 402-843-5672. Niewohner Trucking, Elgin, Nebraska.            48tfc

NOW HIRING: Full time position available for a Farm Mechanic. Niewohner Bros. Feedlot, Elgin, NE. Call 402-843-5671.                20tfc

HELP WANTED: Personnel to work with livestock; must have experience in checking, treating, processing and moving cattle. Competitive wages and benefits. 402-843-5671.            28tfn

HELP WANTED:  Experienced feedlot and farm help needed.  CDL required.  Call Oak Creek Ranch at 402-843-2451.       29tfn


HOUSE WANTED: Would like to buy a nicer home In Elgin. Call 402-394-1663.    1-4p

RESPONSIBLE COUPLE, with dogs, wanting to rent a country home. Please call 402-640-6218.    3-4p


FOR SALE: Prairie Hay. Excellent quality. Need hay while your cattle are waiting to go to stalks? Call Mike Dwyer, 402-386-5457.            3-tp

FOR SALE: House along Highway 14 in Elgin. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, attached garage. $25,000 FIRM. Taxes paid. Call 402-843-8675. 47-3p


PASSPORT PHOTOS: Official U.S. and foreign passport and Visa photos available here. Available in under ten minutes. $10 for two images. The Elgin Review, 116 South 2nd St, Elgin NE. 402-843-5500.  1tfn

CALL US for fresh flowers, plants, balloon bouquets. Will deliver to Elgin. Flower Corner, 402-887-4441 or 1-800-590-2384.  1tfc

UPS SHIPPING: Jerry’s Feed Service, Elgin, ships UPS packages Monday thru Friday. Full UPS services.  1tfc                         


FOR RENT: “U” store units – 12’x22’, $45/month; 11’x12’, $30 per month. Call 402-843-2319.  1tfc

FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartment at Village Homes Apartments, Clearwater. Rental assistance available. Call 402-485-2343.  1tfc

FOR RENT: Smith’s Storage buildings, Elgin. Clean, dry and secure. Sizes 8’ x 16’ and up to 12’ x 24’. Prices start at $28/month. Contact Lee or Marie Smith. 402-843-2391.                   1tfc


Thank you to everyone that joined us on that rainy night for our evening meal at the Community Center. We had a super turnout! A big thank you to Lonnie Dinslage for arranging the entertainment. The Schmidts were very talented and everyone seemed to enjoy them. Mary Schrage won the free meal door prize. And I can’t forget about the cooks for doing a great job that night!

Becky Evans

Elgin Community Center

Thank you to Bob Moore, Jan Schmitt and Alan Reicks for transporting Blake to the hospital after receiving a concussion during the Elgin vs Pope John football game. Thank you to Dr. Dawson, Charlene Hughes R.N. and staff at the Antelope Memorial Hospital for his care.

Thank you to Bob Moore, Vicki Miller and Brandon Miller for transporting Nathan to the hospital after dislocating his hip at the Elgin vs Cedar Rapids football game. Thank you to Patty Good APRN, Cindy Soper R.N. and staff at the Antelope Memorial Hospital for his care.

We appreciate everyone who helped our family during and after their injuries.

Bruce and Joanne Anderson

Nathan and Blake

Words cannot express our appreciation for the care and concern shown following Jan’s accident. Sincere thanks to family and friends for your prayers and support. The flowers, gifts, cards, and phone calls were so appreciated. Deb and Darlene, the food was wonderful! You saved Allen from starving to death and for that, we are grateful. Special hugs to our children for being there for us when we most needed them. Please continue to send prayers our way so that Jan can make a complete recovery.

Jan and Allen