SERVING EITHER Rib Steak or Prime Rib every Monday 6 pm – 9 pm. $10.95. Knotty Pine, 402-386-5488, Petersburg, NE. 1tfc
Taking Applications for a waitress, mainly weekends. Must be at least 19. Apply at the L Bar B in Clearwater or call 485-2525 or 485-9261 and ask for Francis. 16tfc
SEMI DRIVER Wanted: Full time position available. CDL, good driving record and experience hauling livestock required. Contact Len at 402-843-5672. Niewohner Trucking, Elgin, Nebraska. 48tfc
NOW HIRING: Full time position available for a Farm Mechanic. Niewohner Bros. Feedlot, Elgin, NE. Call 402-843-5671. 20tfc
HELP WANTED: Personnel to work with livestock; must have experience in checking, treating, processing and moving cattle. Competitive wages and benefits. 402-843-5671. 28tfn
WANTED TO Buy: Nicer house in or near Elgin. Charles Dickau, 402-394-1663. 21-25p
Grain hauling. Beckman Lumber Inc. 402-843-2131. 18-22c
BROWN COUNTY Pasture land for sale. 2,165 +/- acres, $350/acre. Charles Dickau, 402-394-1663. 23c
PROM DRESSES for sale and a few teen clothes. Call 843-5547 or leave a message. 23p
FOR SALE: 2009 Prairie Hay. Will deliver in 25+ ton loads. Charles Dickau, 402-394-1663. 21-25p
FOR SALE: House along Highway 14 in Elgin. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, attached garage. $25,000 FIRM. Taxes paid. Call 402-843-8675. 23-31p
NOW TAKING orders for Graduation and First Communion cakes. Mallory Fangman, 843-2458. 23-24p
PASSPORT PHOTOS: Official U.S. and foreign passport and Visa photos available here. Available in under ten minutes. $10 for two images. The Elgin Review, 116 South 2nd St, Elgin NE. 402-843-5500. 1tfn
CALL US for fresh flowers, plants, balloon bouquets. Will deliver to Elgin. Flower Corner, 402-887-4441 or 1-800-590-2384. 1tfc
FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartment at Village Homes Apartments, Clearwater. Rental assistance available. Call 402-485-2343. 1tfc
FOR RENT: Smith’s Storage Buildings, Elgin. Clean, dry and secure. Sizes 8’ x 16’ and up to 12’ x 24’. Prices start at $28/month. Contact Lee or Marie Smith. 402-843-2391. 1tfc
Thanks to all who ventured out in the fog to help us expand our culinary knowledge. Thanks to the KC’s for the use of the Hall, Mike D. for your quick response, the parish office for printing our booklets, parish ladies for the delicious salads, Olivia for the aprons and the high school students for your help. A special “Thanks” to Genny, Juan, Loretta, Kathy, Deb, and Nancy for sharing their skills and knowledge with us.
St. Boniface Altar Society
Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket for our spring raffle. The lucky winner of the Traeger grill was Dave Schiltmeyer. Your continued support of our school is appreciated.
Friends of St. Boniface
“Thank You” to everyone who so supported the St. Boniface Spring Benefit Auction in any way. We appreciate all the businesses, individuals, and families who bid and/or donated/consigned items or services. Special thanks to Ted Baum, Corey Curtis, and Allen Norris for donating their auctioneer services and to JoAnn Baum, Chris & Jeanine Baum, Dave Baum, Dan Baum, Doris Baum, and Denis Henn for their dedication each year. Many thanks to the cashiers and other committee members for their assistance, but most of all to the auction committee for making it all happen: Ben & Anna Meis, Kathy Dinslage, Steve Kerkman, Jeff Schindler, John Beckman, Steve Beckman, Craig & Jessica Niewohner, Lee & Kara Shavlik, Dave & Sharon Gossman, and Matt Beckman. And Circle 6 for providing the lunch stand.
God Bless you all!
St. Boniface Parish