SERVING EITHER Rib Steak or Prime Rib every Monday 6 pm – 9 pm. $10.95. Knotty Pine, 402-386-5488, Petersburg, NE. 1tfc
Now Hiring!: Full time position available for a Farm Mechanic. Niewohner Bros. Feedlot, Elgin, NE. Call 402-843-5671. 20tfc
HELP WANTED: Well established drilling company in Neligh is looking for full-time help. Benefits offered. Call 887-4112 or 1-800-247-1091. 22c
FOR SALE: House along Highway 14 in Elgin. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, attached garage. Call 402-843-8675. 21-24p
FOR SALE: The City of Elgin will be accepting sealed bids for a 1984 Ford F150 4 wheel drive pickup with 123,000 miles. The pickup will be sold as is. Bids will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. April 6th and opened at the Council meeting that night. The City has the right to accept or reject any or all bids. 22-24c
FOR SALE: ’05 Ford Taurus. Excellent shape, 80,000 miles. Call Bill Fangman at (cell) 841-9560 or 843-2458 evenings. 22-23p
FOR SALE: Discontinued Valspar stains. Quart, $3.00, ½ Pint, $1.00 each. 22c
FOR SALE: 2×4 Economy studs. Buy by the unit at 69¢ each…regular $1.00 each. In-stock supply only. 22c
FOR SALE: Model 307, 7-tower Zimmatic Pivot. 1,290 ft. long. $16,500 or best offer. Located south of Clearwater. 402-851-0060. 22-23c
WANTED: ROOFS to shingle this summer. 402-843-2131. 22-23c
KIPP’S WINDOW Cleaning, Elgin, will do commercial, residential and industrial window cleaning. Very reasonable rates, references available. Let us do your Spring window and screen cleaning for you! 402-953-0579. 22tfnt
PASSPORT PHOTOS: Official U.S. and foreign passport and Visa photos available here. Available in under ten minutes. $10 for two images. The Elgin Review, 116 South 2nd St, Elgin NE. 402-843-5500. 1tfn
CALL US for fresh flowers, plants, balloon bouquets. Will deliver to Elgin. Flower Corner, 402-887-4441 or 1-800-590-2384. 1tfc
UPS SHIPPING: Jerry’s Feed Service, Elgin, ships UPS packages Monday thru Friday. Full UPS services. 1tfc
FOR RENT: “U” store units – 12’x22’, $45/month; 11’x12’, $30 per month. Call 402-843-2319. 1tfc
FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartment at Village Homes Apartments, Clearwater. Rental assistance available. Call 402-485-2343. 1tfc
FOR RENT: Smith’s Storage buildings, Elgin. Clean, dry and secure. Sizes 8’ x 16’ and up to 12’ x 24’. Prices start at $28/month. Contact Lee or Marie Smith. 402-843-2391. 1tfc
Many thanks to all who remembered me with prayers and hugs and so many kindnesses over the past month. Keep the prayers coming!
Jeanne Knievel
I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone for their prayers, cards and concern for me after my accident. Also for all the wonderful food brought in and to Kris & Phil for the good meals they provided. Thanks also to Joan for the use of her wheelchair and to Clara for helping out. Life has its ups and downs and each one is a learning experience.
Eleanor Starman
The St. Bonaventure Christian Mothers would like to thank everyone who contributed and came to our Spring Breakfast and made it a success. Your donations are truly appreciated.
St. Bonaventure Christian Mothers