School Board approves budget, prioritizing upcoming events

Meeting last week, the District #18 Board of Education put the final piece in place for the 2020/21 school year.
The board held public hearings on the tax dollar request and suggested tax levy.
Sharing the details of the first budget he has prepared as a superintendent, Michael Brockhaus pointed out the general fund request is $1,919,192 with a levy of 0.278593. The special building fund request is $212,121 with a levy of 0.030792.
The total tax asking for the district which encompasses parts of Antelope, Wheeler and Boone counties, is $2,131,313 with a levy of 0.309385.
The two public hearings were wrapped up in just 14 minutes.
Then, during the regular meeting of the school board, they adopted the proposed tax askings and tax levies on unanimous 6-0 votes.
In other developments:
New/revised policies — Policy Committee member Doug Jones informed the board that, at the October meeting, there will be new and revised policies for the board to consider.
Priority — Brockhaus is developing a priority list for upcoming projects for the board to review at a later date. To that end, he will obtain more information for the board to review.
Next meeting — The next regular school board meeting will be held Oct. 14, at 7:30 p.m., in the school gymnasium.
As part of the meeting, hearings will be held on the school’s Internet and Computer Usage Policy.