Jeff and Naomi Pelster of Harrison, NE were blessed by the birth of Ruger Nygren Pelster on January 8, 2013 at 12:55 p.m.
He weighed seven pounds, 13 onces and was 21 1/2 inches long. He was gladly welcomed home by older brother Chisum.
Grand-parents are Ken and Carol Pelster of Bartlett, NE and Rod and Laurie Gray of Harri-son, NE.
Great grand-parents are Alfreda and the late Wilfrid Pelster of Bartlett, NE, the late Hillard and Hilda Maly of Croften, NE, Wayne and Karren Gray of Tama, IA and the late Joyce Gray, and Bette and the late Allan Nygren of Brewster, NE.