Neligh, Nebraska
September 10, 2013
Notice of meeting published as required by statute.
A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the County Clerk’s office and are open to the public.
Those responding to roll call: Bolling, Brandt, Kerkman, Baker, Williby, Henery and Schwager.
Approved the August 6th, 13th and 20th, 2013 board minutes and the August 13th, 2013 Board of Equalization minutes.
Reviewed correspondence.
Reviewed various offices fee reports.
Approved the following claims for payment. We, the Committee on Claims, report that we have examined and approved for payment the following claims:
GENERAL FUND: Bomgaars, ex, 241.14; AMH Family Practice, ex, 363.00; Antelope Co Court, ex, 62.00; Antelope Co Sheriff, ex, 215.29; Appeara, ex, 77.18; AS Central Finance, ex, 448.00; Larry Baker, mlg, 125.00; Bear Graphics, ex, 462.64; Biglin’s Mortuary, ex, 2000.00; Bob Barker Co, ex, 127.78; Merlin Bolling, mlg, 125.00; Eleanor Brady, ps, 25.00; Harlan Brandt, mlg, 145.00; Braun Pest Control, ex, 25.00; Dean Brown, ps, 25.00; Brunswick Library, ex, 2350.00; Carney Law, ex, 3133.33; Char Carpenter, mlg, 267.25; Casey’s, ex, 346.48; Elgin City, ex, 250.00; Neligh City, ut, 4065.32; Norfolk City, ex, 1500.00; Clearwater Library, ex, 2262.50; Clearwater Record, ex, 265.45; Complete Pro Cleaning, ex, 70.00; Cubby’s, ex, 1877.86; April Curtis, ex, 45.00; Dean’s Mkt, ex, 54.84; Dollar General, ex, 120.30; Eakes Office Plus, ex, 95.54; Elgin One Stop, ex, 1136.96; Elgin Library, ex, 2653.12; Elgin Review, ex, 277.16; Elite Office Products, ex, 128.37; Elkhorn River Farms, ex, 44.00; Frontier Communications, ut, 2168.77; Lancaster Co Sheriff, ex, 19.20; Anita Hall, ex, 38.40; Lyle Hart, ex, 200.00; Charles Henery, mlg, 114.69; Nadene Hughes, ps, 14.00; Jack’s Uniforms, ex, 170.79; Jonny Dodge, ex, 64.46; Frank Kamphaus, ps, 16.00; LeRoy Kerkman, mlg, 36.72; Knox Co Sheriff, ex, 41.80; Jeff Doerr Law, ex, 3073.69; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 280.96; Louderback Drug, ex, 51.47; Madison Co Sheriff, ex, 44.24; Manatron Inc, ex, 8198.24; Gerald Maple, ps, 20.00; Heather McWhorter, ex, 42.01; Microfilm Imaging, ex, 87.00; MIPS, ex, 537.98; Moyers, ex, 31.98; Kelly Mueller, mlg, 65.19; Nebr Association of Co Veteran Service Officers, ex, 25.00; Nebr Dept Agriculture, ex, 90.00; NE Health & Human Services, ex, 372.00; Neligh News, ex, 1216.49; New Victorian Inn, ex, 49.99; NE Nebr Assn Co Officials, ex, 160.00; Oakdale Library, ex, 2515.63; Orchard News, ex, 314.82; Orchard Library, ex, 2515.63; Orval’s Auto, ex, 459.40; Donna Payne, ps, 25.00; Precision Rpr, ex, 362.10; Quill Corp, ex, 128.44; R’s Carryouts, ex, 492.57; Reinke’s Farm & City Ser, ex, 140.06; Reliable Office, ex, 141.47; Royal One Stop, ex, 39.42; Sarpy Co Sheriff, ex, 8.67; Sarpy Co Sheriff, ex, 8.67; Jerald Schwager, mlg, 125.00; Shell Plus, ex, 1040.53; Antelope Co Sheriff, petty cash, 184.51; Caroline Siems, ps, 25.00; Joseph Smith, ex, 8632.04; Source Gas, ut, 134.32; State Fire Marshall, ex, 750.00; The Station, ex, 135.84; Chuck Thieman, ex, 100.00; Thriftway Mkt, ex, 521.22; Tilden Citizen, ex, 19.60; Tilden Library, ex, 2516.50; Neligh Post Office, ex, 208.00; UNL IS Communications, ex, 12.95; Verizon Wireless, ut, 54.23; Clearwater Village, ex, 250.00; Visa, ex, 272.93; Wanek Drug, ex, 326.03; Bonnie Welke, ps, 25.00; Erin Whitesel, ex, 90.00; Rod Wilke, mlg, 90.98; Neil Williby, mlg, 47.46; Willie Service, ex, 50.96; Wood & Aitken, ex, 2027.50; Zee Medical, ex, 31.40; Bruce Ofe, petty cash, ex, 74.35
ROAD & BRIDGE: (Brunswick Area) Bazile Aggregate, ex, 1500.00; Bomgaars, ex, 92.09; Frontier Communications, ut, 75.32; Kayton Intl, ex, 73.48; Key Sanitation, ex, 18.00; Kumm Gas, ex, 6135.20; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 12.00; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 1036.88; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 99.02; Nebr Machinery, ex, 114.25; North Central Public Power, ut, 126.49; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 52.00; Brunswick Village, ut, 37.50; Zee Medical, ex, 68.65 (Orchard Area) Steven Bright, ex, 57.50; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 2843.94; Frontier Communications, ut, 62.72; Green Line Equip, ex, 132.62; Kayton Inl, ex, 1500.00; Lazy T Tire, ex, 93.51; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 1529.76; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 9.38; North Central Public Power, ut, 52.56; Murphy Tractor, ex, 77.10; R’s Carryouts, ex, 983.33; Royal One Stop, ex, 150.00; Source Gas, ut, 34.16; Orchard Village, ut, 30.50; Willie’s Ser, ex, 332.40; Zee Medical, ex, 68.40 (Clearwater Area) Bomgaars, ex, 17.98; Carhart Lumber, ex, 4.49; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 108.94; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 6172.10; Hinrichsen Sand & Gravel, ex, 586.36; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 8109.36; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 38.37; Nebraska Machinery, ex, 118.92; NE Nebr Telephone, ut, 56.49; OK Tire, ex, 165.00; Orval’s Auto, ex, 55.85; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 284.43; Murphy Tractor, ex, 954.99; Shell Plus, ex, 347.43; Clearwater Village, ut, 52.50; Zee Medical, ex, 77.65 (Neligh Area) Bomgaars, ex, 11.95; Cubby’s, ex, 182.92; Frontier Communications, ut, 57.51; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 1186.96; Nebr Machinery, ex, 4710.04; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 380.02; Zee medical, ex, 51.60; Advanced Energy Fuels, ex, 3417.97 (Tilden Area) Black Hills Energy, ut, 23.87; Bomgaars, ex, 21.99; Tilden City, ex, 74.35; D&M Machinery, ex, 13.61; Frontier Communications, ut, 57.80; Mr S’s, ex, 349.95; Neligh Auto &, ex, 223.96; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 356.66; Road Builders, ex, 1206.50; Sapp Bros, ex, 1705.68; Zee Medical, ex, 49.20 (Oakdale Area) Bomgaars, ex, 119.23; Bygland Dirt, ex, 1443.75; Great Plains Communications, ut, 99.22; Mr S’s, ex, 538.72; Nebr Public Power, ut, 38.28; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 12.99; Netcom, ex, 598.00; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 3866.80; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 35.10; Quick Serve Oil, ex, 20.00; Oakdale Village, ut, 12.75; Zee Medical, ex, 41.50; Advanced Energy Fuels, ex, 2798.37 (Elgin Area) Central Valley Ag, ex, 11.70; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 45.87; Great Plains Communications, ut, 50.41; Duane Miller, ex, 75.00; Netcom, ex, 522.00; Nebr Machinery, ex, 614.50; OK Tire, ex, 23.50; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 1723.26; Murphy Tractor, ex, 255.00; Reinke’s Farm & City Ser, ex, 15.11; Sapp Bros, ex, 5838.60; The Station, ex, 412.90; Zee Medical, ex, 50.25 (At Large) Appeara, ex, 151.10; B’s Enterprises, ex, 7956.70; Beckman Lumber, ex, 1141.20; Bolling Excavating, ex, 2680.00; Bomgaars, ex, 180.54; Central Valley Ag, ex, 220.20; Cubby’s, ex, 411.94; Custer Co Hwy Dept, ex, 2311.39; Diesel Machinery, ex, 43,058.00; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 371.64; Hank’s Front End, ex, 239.61; Howard Construction, ex, 635.00; Island Supply Welding, ex, 170.50; Jebro, ex, 154,858.21; JEO Consulting, ex, 10,949.00; Kelly Supply, ex, 200.25; Kumm Gas, ex, 551.84; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 4040.30; Martin Marietta Materials, ex, 2991.89; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 382.47; Midwest Service, ex, 1417.17; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 45.86; Mr S’s, ex, 1744.61; Newman Traffic Signs, ex, 3750.50; OK Auto, ex, 175.92; OK Tire, ex, 1356.95; Old Mill Sales, ex, 3100.00; Pellatz Bros Paint, ex, 14.00; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 163.80; R’s Carryouts, ex, 114.66; Road Builders, ex, 396.65; Royal One Stop, ex, 60.62; Rutjens Construction, ex, 18,984.25; Sanne Service, ex, 1039.05; Schlecht Trucking, ex, 983.51; Shell Plus, ex, 3464.85; Switzer Welding, ex, 389.00; The Station, ex, 249.16; Tinsley Grain, ex, 689.92; Lanny Williby, ex, 1650.00; Advanced Energy Fuels, ex, 9079.50
REAPPRAISAL FUND: Walt’s Computer Ser, ex, 30.98; Quill Corp, ex, 46.05; Heather McWhorter, ex, 22.54; GIS Workshop, ex, 8000.00; Holiday Inn, ex, 467.70
BUILDING FUND: Berggren Architects, ex, 1098.70; Dragnet Enterprises, ex, 3396.00; Eakes Office Plus, ex, 3402.32; Mike Kester, ex, 1624.56; Kinnan Construction, ex, 415.48; Petersen Construction, ex, 150.00; Urbanec’s Furniture, ex, 2728.77; Xtra Productions, ex, 700.00
GENERAL FUND PAYROLL: Total Wages, 74,075.39; WH, 6927.88; SS, 14,612.36; ST, 2271.67; AFLAC, ins, 98.54; Ameritas, ret, 10,995.70; Ameritas, ins, 502.04; BC/BS, ins, 53,475.00; Colonial, ins, 90.92; 1st Concord, ins, 283.33; Garinshment, 371.51; Madison National, ins, 156.32; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 247.50; Washington National, ins, 524.70
ROAD & BRIDGE PAYROLL: Total Wages, 50,473.62; WH, 5091.29; SS, 10,145.04; ST, 1774.46; AFLAC, ins, 393.13; Ameritas, ret, 7,275.94; Ameritas, ins, 215.32; BC/BS, ins, 28,101.05; 1st Concord, ins, 166.67; Colonial, ins, 64.80; Garnishment, 844.10; Madison National, ins, 91.47; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 142.50; Washington National, ins, 24.90
Approved allowing Sherman Township to fall under the county levy and increase their budget by 6%.
Awarded the Tilden NW 532nd Avenue Road Project to Rutjens Construction pending review of the bid numbers.
Awarded the 516th Avenue Grading and Erosion Control Project to Rutjens Construction pending review of the bid numbers.
Approved the issuance of bonds not to exceed $1.5 million for the improvement of certain roads; said bond to be paid back with the FEMA alternate funds.
Adopted the resolution of “Official Intent to Reimburse Certain Capital Expenditures from the proceeds of tax-exempt debt obligations”; said resolution is in regards to the new law enforcement center.
No action taken on the new law enforcement facility bond.
Meeting adjourned.
Antelope County Board of Supervisors
Chairman of County Board
Antelope County Clerk
PUBLISH: September 18, 2013