September 3, 2020
Mayor Schmitt opened the budget hearing at 7:37 p.m. Councilmembers present were Dvorak, Mackel, Miller and Kittelson.
The Council reviewed the 2019-2020 budget. City Clerk Miller reported that the City’s valuation had increased to $43,654,588. The property tax request is up 13% from last year to $177,280.00, $139,780.00 for the general fund and $37,500.00 for the bond account. The total tax rate request is .406097 up 3% from last year’s .3924171.
Clerk Miller explained that the increase was due to the water line, additional employee, and possible paving of Westridge Drive.
Mayor Schmitt asked if there was any public opinion regarding the 2020-2021 Elgin City Budget. There was no public opinion either written or orally.
A motion was made by Dvorak to adopt the 2020-2021 budget. A second to the motion was made by Miller. Roll call vote, all members voted aye, and the motion carried. Mayor Schmitt declared the motion passed and adopted.
The budget hearing adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
PUBLISH: September 16, 2020