Regular Meeting
Distance Learning Room, EPS
September 12, 2012, 7:30 PM
President Laurie Waterbury called the Regular September Board Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Board members present were Laurie Waterbury, Stan Heithoff, Ryan Reestman, Steve Heithoff, Bob Hoefer and Kim Wells. Also present were Superintendent Dan Polk, Principal Adam Patrick, Paula Jensen, Heidi Rethmeier, Rita Heithoff, Lydia Behnk, Shelby Dohmen, Madison Voborny, Ivy Prater, and Dennis Morgan.
President Waterbury led the “Pledge of Allegiance.” Waterbury reminded everyone that a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Law was posted in the meeting room.
School board meeting notice complied with Meeting Notice Policy #204.07.
Steve Heithoff motioned and Ryan Reestman second to approve the Consent Agenda: #5- Minutes of Regular Meeting, #6- Adopt the Agenda, #7- Financial Report, #8- Board Bills. Motion carried, vote 6-0.
AT&T, Business Expense, $200.00; AMH, Transportation, $90.00; Binswanger Glass, Maintenance, $128.00; Beckman Lumber, Instru Expense, $333.52; City of Neligh, Maintenance, $20.00; “Complete Floors, Inc.”, Maintenance, “$7,189.00“; Dean’s Market, Maintenance, $42.85, Transportation , $6.49, Instru Expense, $39.87; Dress Rehearsal Shoppe, Extracurric. Expense, $110.00; Eakes, Instru Expense, $566.93; Elgin Appliance & More, Maintenance, $675.00; Elgin Body & Glass, Transportation , $100.00; Elgin Equipment, Maintenance, $46.75; Elgin One Stop, Transportation , $822.73, Instru Expense, $35.96; Elgin Pharmacy, Maintenance, $30.58; Elgin Review, Instru Expense, $308.75, Board Expense, $419.18; Elite Office Products, Business Expense, $260.30; Flenniken Plmbg, Maintenance, $217.00; Follett, Instru Expense, $58.36; Great Plains Comm., Business Expense, “$1,942.78“; Haddock, Instru Expense, $628.00; Hadley-Braithwait, Maintenance, $556.30; Houghton Mifflin, Instru Expense, $245.31; Island Supply & Welding, Instru Expense, $42.78; Jerry’s Feed, Business Expense, $8.35; Jonny Dodge, Transportation , $733.15; JW Pepper, Instru Expense, $52.49; Library Media Connection, Instru Expense, $59.00; “Loup Valley Lighting, Inc.”, Maintenance, $241.33; McCormick’s, Instru Expense, $38.90; McGraw-Hill, Instru Expense, $179.65; Midwest Floor Spec., Maintenance, $89.48; MARC, Maintenance, $199.33; Natl. Assn. of Schl Princ., Instru Expense, $85.00; Protex, Maintenance, $162.45, Reimbursement, “$2,737.85“; Reuss Electric Service, Maintenance, $169.75; School Specialty, Instru Expense, $287.92; Schumacher, Operation Plant, $72.50; Seton , Instru Expense, $760.25; The Master Teacher, Board Expense, $226.10; The Station, Transportation, $670.58; The Thompson Co., Maintenance, $185.76; Verizon Business, Business Expense, $85.01; Wanek Pharmacy, Nurse Expense, $347.67; Wells Fargo, “$3,424.79“; West Boyd School Dist., High Ability Learner, $396.50; Winners’ Circle, Instru Expense, $59.40.
Total Board Bills: “$26,389.65“
September Payroll: “$182,946.04“
Total Board Bills/ Payroll: “$209,335.69“
President Waterbury recognized visitors and asked if the patrons had any comments. There were no board correspondence or committee reports.
In the Principal’s report, Mr. Patrick reported that the Junior High students and five high school student-leaders had attended a Courage Retreat in August. He asked Ivy Prater, Madison Voborny, Lydia Behnk, and Shelby Dohmen to report on the retreat. The students gave an overview of the activities to help students open up and defend themselves and others against bullying.
Mr. Patrick also reported on the MAP parent meeting and the Northern Tier elementary teacher workshop. He updated the board on upcoming activities including homecoming.
The Activities Director Report was submitted by Carlie Wells.
In special recognition, Elgin Public Elementary School has been named a 2012 National Blue Ribbon School.
In action items, Steve Heithoff motioned and Kim Wells second to approve the 2012-13 district budget of $2,554,356.39 (General Fund $2,423,043.26 and Special Building Fund $131,313.13) as presented. All voted aye, motion carried.
Stan Heithoff moved to approve the district property tax levy request at 0.690500 (0.655000 General Fund and 0.035500 Building Fund) as presented. Reestman seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion carried.
Wells motioned and Steve Heithoff second to approve use of a new fight song for Wolfpack Co-op activities. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Reestman motioned and Stan Heithoff second to approve the school pickup and 1983 bus as surplus properties. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Stan Heithoff motioned and Wells second to approve the purchase of a new football field scoreboard to be purchased with insurance settlement. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Supt. Polk reported on the use of Pepsi Rebate money to purchase cameras for staff to use for the website, newsletter, and classroom activities. He discussed plans to get more of our laptops in the hands of the students on a regular basis. Many alternatives were discussed.
Reestman motioned, Stan Heithoff second to adjourn the meeting. All voted aye, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be October 10, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. in the Distance Learning Room.
Respectfully submitted,
Kim Wells, Secretary
Paula Jensen, Recorder
–This is a draft copy and does not become official Elgin Public Board minutes until approved at the next regular or advertised meeting.
Publish: September 26, 2012