Neligh, Nebraska
April 11, 2017
Chairman opened meeting. Notice of meeting published as required by statute.
Approved claims:
General: Antelope Co Dist Court, ex, 72.00; Antelope Co Court, ex, 84.00; Appeara, ex, 40.01; Bear Graphics, ex, 317.29; Black Hills Energy, ut, 1068.94; Bomgaars, ex, 825.56; Eleanor Brady, ps, 25.00; Dean Brown, ps, 25.00; Carney Law, ex, 321.83; Casey’s, ex, 684.15; Elgin City, ex, 250.00; Neligh City, ut, 4319.51; Clearwater Record, ex, 315.00; Consolidated Mgt, ex, 109.68; Cubby’s, ex, 99.81; Das State, ex, 573.68; Dean’s Mkt, ex, 147.84; Digital-Ally, ex, 60.00; Liz Doerr, ex, 7.99; Dollar General, ex, 179.00; Dusty’s, ex, 219.00; Eakes Office, ex, 415.55; Elgin One Stop, ex, 147.74; Elgin Review, ex, 412.96; Elkhorn River Farms, ex, 48.00; Frontier Comm, ut, 2154.17; Global Equip, ex, 811.66; Great Plains Comm, ut, 190.00; Sarah Harrod, ex, 64.09; Heartland Fire, ex, 93.00; Nadene Hughes, ps, 14.00; Frank Kamphaus, ps, 16.00; Jeffrey Doerr Law, ex, 5436.13; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 194.50; Marvin Planning Consult, ex, 1500.00; Microfilm Imaging Systems, ex, 87.00; Mid State Organized, ex, 100.00; MIPS, ex, 810.42; Moyers Dept, ex, 150.00; Nebr Co Ext Board, ex, 100.00; Nebr Assn of Treasurers, ex, 125.00; Nebr Assn Co Clerks, ex, 100.00; Nebr Unemployment, 5274.00; Nebr Law Enforcement, ex, 200.00; Neligh News, ex, 338.50; Norfolk News, ex, 156.00; NE Community College, ex, 6.00; NE Glass, ex, 285.00; Office Depot, ex, 346.17; Orchard News, ex, 355.77; Donna Payne, ps, 25.00; PFC Products, ex, 179.64; Pinnacle Bank, ex, 325.26; Quality Iron, ex, 43.20; Quill Corp, ex, 52.99; R R Donnelley, ex, 110.06; Ramada Inn, ex, 280.00; Region IV, ex, 9038.25; Ed Schindler, ex, 12.43; Schroeder Surveying, ex, 165.00; Caroline Siems, ps, 25.00; Wex Bank, ex, 500.41; Joseph Smith, mlg 1070.00; Top Quality Gloves, ex, 154.80; David Totten, ex, 2.09; Uline Ship, ex, 387.31; UNL Its Comm, ex, 91.04; US Cellular, ut, 337.10; Verizon Wireless, ut, 28.67; Clearwater Village, ut, 250.00; Wanek Pharmacy, ex, 503.18; Bonita Welke, ps, 22.00; Woods & Aitken, ex, 56.00.
Road & Bridge: At Large: AMH Family Practice, ex, 139.00; B’s Enterprises, ex, 3330.00; Casey’s, ex, 9.75; Central Valley, ex, 7.69; Elgin City, ut, 56.25; Tilden City, ut, 104.82; Cornhusker Intl Truck, ex, 3268.50; Cubby’s, ex, 45.85; Elkhorn Public Power, ut, 76.07; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 1027.58; Green Line Equip, ex, 625.00; Heartland Hydraulics, ex, 357.47; Hometown Station, ex, 243.02; Island Supply, ex, 184.14; JEO Consulting, ex, 6963.75; Jonny Dodge, ex, 867.71; Kumm Gas, ex, 166.51; Lazy T Tire, ex, 30.00; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 62.00; Midwest Service, ex, 348.00; Mr S’s, ex, 592.19; State of Nebr Fuel Tax, ex, 573.00; Neligh Auto, ex, 24.36; Netcom, ex, 1351.00; Newman Traffic, ex, 2269.76; NMC Exchange, ex, 7.43; Northeast Glass, ex, 430.00; Northern Materials, ex, 16,574.25; OK Tire, ex, 34.00; Quick Serve, ex, 491.03; RDO Truck, ex, 411.08; Reinke’s Farm, ex, 571.398; Sapp Bro, ex, 2271.14; Wex Bank, ex, 681.57; Verizon Wireless, ut, 30.80; Washington National, ins, 133.40; Wynn Auto, ex, 265.00.
Brunswick Area: Bomgaars, ex, 17.68; Emme Sand, ex, 564.07; Frontier Comm, ut, 73.01; Hinrichsen Sand, ex, 2670.18; Kumm Gas, ex, 1470.54; Lawson Prod, ex, 369.53; Neligh Auto, ex, 30.00; NMC Exchange, ex, 552.39; North Central Power, ut, 166.92; Powerplan, ex, 511.72; Brunswick Village, ut, 46.50; Warren Wortman, ex, 120.00.
Orchard Area: Bomgaars, ex, 134.99; Black Hills Energy, ut, 284.22; Frontier Comm, ut, 74.10; Gutter Crew, ex, 403.00; Lawson Prod, ex, 230.45; Neligh Auto, ex, 51.98; North Central Power, ut, 64.01; T-J’s Corner Hardware, ex, 50.33.
Clearwater Area: B’s Enterprises, ex, 3570.00; Black Hills Energy, ut, 208.92; Bomgaars, ex, 63.42; Casey’s, ex, 69.21; Elkhorn Rural Power, ut, 92.69; Emme Sand, ex, 180.47; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 3075.85; Green Line Equip, ex, 2181.26; Heartland Hydraulics, ex, 138.11; Hinrichsen Sand, ex, 3684.33; Lawson Prod, ex, 858.50; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 79.00; Neligh Auto, ex, 12.99; NE Nebr Telephone, ut, 106.29; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 2034.80; Road Builders, ex, 2356.43; Schlecht Trucking, ex, 2479.73; Orchard Village, ut, 54.00.
Neligh Area: Bomgaars, ex, 105.88; Cubby’s, ex, 130.99; Emme Sand, ex, 762.29; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 1570.38; Frontier Comm, ut, 124.49; Green Line, ex, 35.14; Hinrichsen Sand, ex, 1139.46; Neligh Auto, ex, 478.27; NMC Exchange, ex, 176.26.
Tilden Area: B’s Enterprises, ex, 2355.00; Black Hills Energy, ut, 182.85; Tilden City, ut, 104.82; Constellation Gas, ut, 542.54; D & M Machinery, ex, 107.47; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 1419.01; Hinrichsen Sand, ex, 659.66; Kayton Intl, ex, 62.99; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 235.04; Mr S’s, ex, 92.13; Neligh Auto, ex, 31.96; Nebr Power Dist, ut, 325.63; Quick Serve, ex, 129.74; Road Builders, ex, 318.31.
Oakdale Area: Black Hills Energy, ut, 300.00; Carquest Neligh, ex, 39.53; Emme Sand, ex, 558.70; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 1197.75; Great Plains Comm, ut, 139.82; Green Line Equip, ex, 625.00; Tom Henn, ex, 110.00; Hinrichsen Sand, ex, 4558.82; Matteo Sand, ex, 143.04; Mr S’s, ex, 143.86; Neligh Auto, ex, 83.00; OK Tire, ex, 114.78; Tinsley Grain, ex, 1822.20.
Elgin Area: Central Valley Ag, ex, 7.69; Elgin City, ut, 56.25; Corner Service, ex, 28.50; Elkhorn Public Power, ut, 50.19; Frontier Comm, ut, 73.18; Great Plains Comm, ut, 1390.76; Hometown Station, ex, 243.02; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 111.80; Neligh Auto, ex, 6.18; NMC Exchange, ex, 75.36; Road Builders Mach, ex, 1030.80; Sapp Bros, ex, 2271.14; Tinsley Grain, ex, 744.00.
Law Facility Bond: Bok Financial Services, ex, 69,808.75.
Reappraisal Fund: IAAO, ex, 142.00; NACO, ex, 65.00.
Register of Deeds: MIPS, ex, 295.70.
Visitor Improvement: Ball Diamond Association, ex, 1500.00.
Law Enforcement Center: AMH Family Practice, ex, 122.00; Antelope Mem Hospital, ex, 138.00; Cash-Wa Dist, ex, 2617.04; Cornhusker State Ind, ex, 198.00; Custom Tech, ex, 507.40; Dollar General, ex, 53.78; Elgin Pharmacy, ex, 15.42; Hunt Ins, ins, 2442.00; Neligh Family Dentistry, ex, 286.00; Pinnacle Bank, ex, 402.92; Protex Central, ex, 1050.00; Thriftway Mkt, ex, 1696.37.
Building Fund: Boyd’s Electrical, ex, 220.00; Heartland Fire, ex, 1119.50; Merit Mech, ex, 172.00; Midwest Sprinkler, ex, 362.00; Urbanec’s Furniture, ex, 1045.38.
General: Payroll, 84,645.76; Ameritas, ret 13,351.66; Garnishment, 773.18; WH, 10,071.31; SS, 17,278.98; AFLAC, ins, 442.39; BC/BS, 55,369.24; Colonial Life, ins, 58.25; 1st Concord Benefits, ins, 1043.32; Madison National, ins, 366.67; Mid-American Benefits, ins, 220.00; ST, 3328.50; Naco Vision, ins, 416.99; Washington National, ins, 339.24.
Road & Bridge: Payroll, 47,455.04; Ameritas, ret 7055.02; Garnishment, 346.46; WH, 4434.83; SS, 9437.40; AFLAC, ins, 142.35; BC/BS, 34,752.18; Colonial Life, ins, 18.00; 1st Concord Benefits, ins, 262.50; Madison National, ins, 213.68; Mid-American Benefits, ins, 110.00; ST, 1601.04; Naco Vision, ins, 199.80; Washington National, ins, 133.40.
Approved payroll claims.
March’s Clerk of the District Court, Sheriff Miscellaneous Fee Report, Treasurer’s Miscellaneous Fee and Fund Balance Reports were reviewed.
Correspondence was reviewed. Reviewed Pledge Collateral.
Heard Road Boss Report.
Resolution regarding wage differential was tabled until May.
Approved road access permit.
Approved one (1) underground permit.
Approved Visitor Improvement Fund-Ball Diamond Association.
Heard Zoning Administrator Report.
Approved Subdivision 23-27-6.
Met with Benefits Management regarding benefit package.
No action-RDO truck purchase.
Approved hiring of new Veterans Service Officer.
Heard Veterans Service Officers quarterly report.
Quarterly jail inspection.
Met with NACO regarding Insurance Benefits.
Approved participation in insurance Buy Down-in lieu of.
Meeting Adjourned.
Antelope County Board of Commissioners
Chairman of County Board
Attest: LISA PAYNE /s/
Antelope County Clerk
PUBLISH: April 19, 2017