Regular Meeting
Distance Learning Room, EPS
September 11, 2013, 7:30 PM
President Laurie Waterbury called the Regular September Board Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Board members present were Laurie Waterbury, Stan Heithoff, Steve Busteed,Steve Heithoff, and Bob Hoefer. Ryan Reestman was absent. Also present were Superintendent Dan Polk, Principal Greg Wemhoff, Paula Jensen, Dennis Morgan, Shirley Thorberg, and Rita Heithoff.
Stan Heithoff motioned, Steve Heithoff seconded to excuse Ryan Reestman from tonight’s meeting. All voted aye, motion carried.
President Waterbury led the “Pledge of Allegiance.” Waterbury reminded everyone that a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Law was posted in the meeting room.
School board meeting notice complied with Meeting Notice Policy #204.07.
Steve Heithoff motioned and Stan Heithoff second to approve the Consent Agenda with the correction of Check #029550 written to an incorrect vendor: #5- Minutes of Regular Meeting, #6- Adopt the Agenda, #7- Financial Report, #8- Board Bills. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
A to Z, Maintenance, $121.60; Albracht Disposal, Maintenance, $388.21; AMH, Transportation, $90.00; Applied Connective Tech., Maintenance, $695.26; Binovia, Instru Expense, $250.00; CVA, Maintenance, $239.03; Conjuguemos, Instru Expense, $50.00; Dean’s Market, Maintenance, $87.44, Instru Expense, $17.72, Instru Expense, $198.29; Eakes, Instru Expense, $98.43; ESU #8, Instru Expense, $38.00; Elgin Equipment, Maintenance, $192.12; Elgin One Stop, Transportation, $580.22, Instru Expense, $42.96; Elgin Pharmacy, Maintenance, $7.92; Elgin Review, Instru Expense, $443.25, Board Expense, $347.18; Flenniken Plmbg, Maintenance, $4,826.00; Great Plains Comm., Business Expense, $465.37; Green Thumb, Maintenance, $931.62; Haddock, Instru Expense, $84.00; Hadley-Braithwait, Maintenance, $378.05; Hammond & Stephens, Instru Expense, $306.88; Harding & Schultz, Board Expense, $50.00; Houghton Mifflin, Instru Expense, $141.40; Island Supply & Welding, Instru Expense, $71.30; Jensen Publishing, Extracurric. Expense, $69.00; Jerry’s Feed, Business Expense, $78.79; Jonny Dodge, Transportation, $535.29; Kallhoff Electric, Maintenance, $952.84; Loup Valley Lighting, Inc., Maintenance, $337.75; McGraw-Hill, Instru Expense, $4,389.88; Midwest Floor Spec., Maintenance, $1,315.00; Nebraska Safety Center, Transportation, $175.00; Norfolk Daily News, Instru Expense, $100.00; Northern Agri-services, Maintenance, $2,832.76; Onesource, Instru Expense, $89.00; Overland Rehab, SpEd Expense, $360.90; Pearson Education, Instru Expense, $934.25; Precision Repair, Transportation, $72.20; Reimbursement, $2,413.60; SchoolMate, Instru Expense, $587.60; Schumacher Exterm., Maintenance, $75.00; Softchoice, Instru Expense, $169.88; Tek-Hut, Instru Expense, $2,028.00; The Station, Transportation, $673.71; Verizon Business, Business Expense, $92.48; Verizon Wireless, Business Expense, $251.40
Total Board Bills: $29,676.58
September Payroll: $177,192.45
Total Board Bills/ Payroll: $206,869.03
President Waterbury recognized visitors and asked if the patrons had any comments. Dennis Morgan reserved the right to speak later regarding executive session.
Building & Grounds Committee reported an update on HVAC system.
Principal Wemhoff reported on the start of school. He distributed an ACT Score sheet over the last 5 years showing Elgin Public School consistently scoring with the state average. He has begun his walkthrough observations which give immediate feedback to the teaching staff. MAPS testing will begin soon and parent-teacher conferences will be held next week.
Supt. Polk reported on the work that had been completed this summer. The school signs are ready for the installation on the north and south entrances to Elgin.
In action items, Steve Heithoff motioned and Bob Hoefer second to approve the 2013-14 district budget of $2,733,506.03 (General Fund $2,599,162.60 and Special Building Fund $134,343.43) as presented. Motion carried, vote 5-0.
Stan Heithoff motioned and Steve Busteed second to approve the district property tax levy request at 0.611277 (0.581235 General Fund and 0.030042 Building Fund) as presented. Motion carried, Vote 5-0.
Stan Heithoff motioned and Busteed second to approve athletic co-op agreement with Pope John. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Busteed motioned and Steve Heithoff second to approve gas prepay of $20,000 and electricity prepay of $45,000. Motion carried, Vote 5-0.
Steve Heithoff motioned and Busteed second to approve use of bleachers and facilities for Elgin’s Q125 celebration next summer. Vote 5-0, motion carried.
Hoefer motioned to go into executive session for negotiations and state test results discussion as they are both in the public’s interest and due to NDE’s edict that state testing results remain “confidential,” and not be released publicly until later this month. Steve Heithoff seconded the motion. President Waterbury restated the motion. Vote 5-0, motion carried. Dennis Morgan questioned the use of executive session for discussion of test results the school has information on but NDE won’t release until later in September. The board entered closed session at 8:02 p.m. The board returned from closed session at 9:30 p.m. No action was taken.
Stan Heithoff motioned to adjourn the meeting, Hoefer second. Vote 5-0, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:31 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be October 9, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. in the Distance Learning Room at Elgin Public School.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Heithoff, Acting Secretary
Paula Jensen, Recorder
–This is a draft copy and does not become official Elgin Public Board minutes until approved at the next regular or advertised meeting.
PUBLISH: September 18, 2013