You are herewith informed that Section 39-703 of the Nebraska Statutes, 1975 session laws, provides that it is unlawful to divert water onto or across a public road so as to saturate, wash or impair the maintenance, construction, or pass ability of such public road and that upon conviction thereof such person shall be punished by a fine for every such offense of not less that $10.00 nor more than $100.00. Provided, this section shall not apply under the following conditions:
(1) When the damage has been caused by a mechanical malfunction of the irrigation equipment,
(2) When a sprinkler irrigation system had been set so that under normal weather conditions no water would have been placed upon the right of way of any road, or
(3) When the County Board grants permission to the land owner to divert water along a county road right of way or when a municipality has granted such permission.
You are further notified that the County Board of Supervisors intends that the above stated law shall be enforced and that any persons having a complaint for violation of the above stated irrigation law may make a proper complaint to either the County Sheriff or the County Attorney.
PUBLISH: June 15, 2016