Armor Coating
The Antelope County Board of Commissioners will accept sealed bids until 9:45 AM, on April 4th, 2023 for armor coating of oil roads within Antelope County. Said bids are for the application of armor coating using county furnished materials. Successful bidder will supply the specified product from May 1, 2023 to December 1, 2023. Price should be per mile. All work to be done according to county specifications. Contractor must supply traffic control, signing, and proof of bonding and insurance. Bids can be brought or mailed to the Antelope County Clerk’s Office, 501 M Street, PO Box 26, Neligh, NE 68756-0026 and will be opened at 9:45 AM, on April 4th, 2023 in the Antelope County Commissioners Room, Antelope County Courthouse Annex. Envelopes should be marked in the lower left-hand corner with the wording, “Armor Coating Bid.” The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
PUBLISH: March 15, 22 & 29, 2023