Notice of Sidewalk Repairs Antelope County Courthouse

NOTICE – Sidewalk Repairs Antelope County Courthouse

The Antelope County Board of Commissioners will accept sealed bids for sidewalk replacement of multiple sections around the Antelope County Courthouse, which is located at 501 M Street, Neligh.  Bids will be accepted until 9:30 AM on July 2nd, 2024, and shall be submitted in a sealed envelope with the wording “Bid for Sidewalk Repairs” in the lower left-hand corner.  Bids may be addressed to the Antelope County Clerk, 501 Main Street, PO Box 26, Neligh, NE  68756-0026 or dropped off at the County Clerk’s Office.  Bids will be opened at the July 2nd, 2024, board meeting at 9:30 AM or soon thereafter, in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room of the courthouse annex.  For bid information please contact the Clerk’s Office, at (402) 887-4410.  The Antelope County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. 

PUBLISH: June 19 & 26, 2024