Notice to Landowners — Antelope County

You are herewith informed that the Antelope County Board of Commissioners adopted the following resolution at their January 8th, 2008 board meeting: Whereas the Antelope County Board of Commissioners has received evidence that unauthorized fences and other objects placed within the public right-of-ways maintained by Antelope County cause hazards that endanger motorists, County employees, and County equipment, and interfere with the proper maintenance of the roadway, especially during snow removal operations.
Now, therefore, be it resolved that Antelope County shall, after first giving reasonable notice to the affected landowner, exercise its right to remove hazards from the public right-of-ways except that no notice shall need to be given during snow removal operations; and be it further resolved that Antelope County Road Department employees shall identify and document such hazards, shall provide ten days written notice to any affected landowner to remove the hazards from the right-of-way, and, if such hazards remain within the right-of-way ten days after Antelope County gives such notice to any affected landowner, shall remove the hazards giving all salvage materials to the affected landowner. Be it further resolved that Antelope County Road Department employees shall invoice the costs of the removal of the hazards to the affected landowner, including the cost of labor and machine use.  You are further notified that the County Board of Commissioners intends that the above resolution shall be enforced and that any person may make a proper complaint regarding a violation of the above resolution to the Supervisor of that area.
Antelope County Board of Commissioners
PUBLISH: June 21, 2017