The Antelope County Board of Supervisors has the intent to purchase 1-3 used dump trucks; spec sheets may be obtained by contacting the Antelope County Clerk’s office at 402-887-4410 or by mail at PO Box 26, Neligh, NE 68756-0026. The Antelope County Board will accept bids until 4:30 PM August 1, 2011. Bids may be mailed or brought to the Antelope County Clerks office, 501 M Street, Rm 6, PO Box 26, Neligh, NE 68756-0026. The envelope must be clearly marked “Bid for Dump Truck” on the outside of the sealed envelope. Bids will be publicly opened at 9:00 AM on August 2, 2011 in the Supervisors room of the Antelope County Courthouse annex, Neligh, NE. The Antelope County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
Antelope County Clerk
Carolyn Pedersen /s/
Publish: July 6, 13 and 20, 2011