By Dennis Morgan
Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen is scheduled to come to Elgin later this month to speak to students from both Pope John and Elgin Public schools.
Jim Fehringer told The Elgin Review Sunday that Pillen, who took office in January 2023, will be here on the morning of Monday, April 24.
He said Pillen, escorted by the Nebraska State Patrol, is scheduled to arrive at approximately 9 a.m. where he will make brief comments to the Pope John’s finance class in which Fehringer is the instructor.
Then, he will be escorted over to St. Boniface Gymnasium where students from both schools have gathered for a brief speech. The governor is expected to be in Elgin until approximately 10 a.m. when he will have to leave.
It will be Governor Pillen’s first visit to the community. He did not make a campaign stop in Elgin in 2022.
The last time Elgin was visited by a governor was June 2014 when Governor Dave Heineman spoke at the ribbon cutting for Prairie Breeze Wind Energy Farm Operations Center.
The public is invited to attend the program at St. Boniface Gymnasium.
More information about the governor’s visit will be announced in The Elgin Review print and social media sites.