Fundraiser for Schindler family set

The Knights of Columbus and friends have announced plans for a benefit fundraiser for the Kevin and Marin Schindler family.

Due to a rare histiocytic disorder, Marin has been unable to teach this school year at St. Boniface Elementary School, spending many days in hospitals.

Organizers are planning a soup feed & more, featuring chili and chicken noodle soups on Saturday, Feb. 26.

In case of inclement weather, the event will be moved to Sunday, Feb. 27. Serving will begin at 4 p.m. at the Elgin Knights of Columbus Hall.

There will be both a silent and live auction featuring items donated by businesses and individuals. The live auction will begin at 7 p.m.

Anyone wishing to donate an auction item and/or money to purchase auction items should contact Ben Meis, Jerry Heithoff or Bob Schiltmeyer. Among the items for the live auction donated so far are a gun safe, ammunition and a quilt.

Cash donations can be sent to Anna Meis, 83576 522 Avenue,