Elgin FFA teams earn three CDE championships

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Agriscience team
Floriculture team 








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Livestock Management team

February 27th and March 11th, NECC and Sargent hosted the District X FFA Career Development Events (CDE’s). According to FFA Advisor Julia Schwartz, due to growing numbers in FFA statewide, the district CDE’s have been split into two days for the past several years. Although NECC hosts several of the same contests that Sargent does, District X does not use some of those NECC contests as their state-qualifying CDE’s and instead holds those contests in Sargent. 

Making up District X FFA are several schools in the area: Ainsworth, Boyd County, Burwell, Chambers, Elgin, Elkhorn Valley, Keya Paha County, Loup County, Neligh-Oakdale, O’Neill, Ord, Rock County, Sargent, Stuart, West Holt, Wheeler Central and the newly formed Nebraska Ag Academy (home school). 

“Elgin FFA is proud of all their members,” Schwartz said, “as many members qualified for the state FFA contests in April.”

District champions were the floriculture team, livestock management team and the agriscience team. 

Finishing second was the agronomy team while the natural resource team took fourth.