Deadline is Friday to buy tickets for dinner theater

Pope John One Act team will present their competition piece, a comedy play entitled, “The Perfect Ending” on Saturday, Nov. 14 in the St. Boniface Gym.
Dinner is scheduled to be served, starting at 6:30 p.m.
The play, under the direction of Jessie Reestman and Alan Reicks, is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m.
Playing various lead roles are Allyson Selting, Skylar Reestman, Sam Hemenway, Trista Hemenway, Cale Kinney, Natalie Reicks, Skyler Meis, Layne Bullock, Matthew Dilly, Kaylee Ramold, Carter Beckman and Linus Borer.
Tickets are available from any cast member or by calling the school (843-5325). Deadline is Friday, Nov. 6.
