Editor’s note: The following story was written by Linda Kerkman, a member of the board of directors for the Elgin Bargain Box.
It is with pride and thanksgiving that the Elgin Bargain Box is celebrating their fifth anniversary in August.
Along with this milestone they have announced they have given $255,625 to needs of all kinds. Last summer they celebrated when they had SOLD $250,000. Now this is the donated amount. A few of our monthly recipients are: The Veterans Home, two food banks and the community center. Others are medical benefits, homeless shelters, Orphan Grain Train, mission projects and Christmas wishes. We donate $1,000 a year to eight area fire departments and $1,000 to seven EMTs. Keep in mind that our local schools, churches, libraries, quilts for homeless, and other such causes are given free of our items. So our total is much more.
Excess clothing is boxed and donated to Orphan Grain Train. OGT is an international humanitarian organization head quartered in Norfolk. We have packed 3,700 boxes. Transportation is always needed to get them to Norfolk.
Unusable clothing is bagged for Salvation Army. They bundle the cloth and when they have a full trailer load they sell it to an insulation company in Canada for $5,000. So please don’t fill our landfills with old clothes.
Extra books are donated to Rescue Mission for their book sale on the mall once or twice a year.
We always have need of more volunteers to help pack clothes for OGT, to unpack and process donated item, to vacuum, dust and have fun with the staff. There is no feeling like giving to others.
Sometimes we think we need more room to meet the generosity of donations. You help us with the space issue every time you purchase something. Thank you. Our monthly $5.00 bag sale of clothing is a popular shopping event.
Our furniture store has been a real asset. College students, crafters, shoppers have found the right piece and for such a low price.
“In June 2018 we came from Florida with no furniture. In a few weeks we furnished our home almost totally from the Bargain Box. Our children and friends come to our house and frequently comment on our furnishing,” said Judy Loy, a strong supporter of the Bargain Box.
“We have been to other thrift stores but none with the variety of the Bargain Box. They have friendly service. It is great to know our purchase is going to good causes,” Loy said.
The store opened on August 15, 2014.
Current board members are Margaret Hensley, Sandy Kerkman, Tammy Starman, Judy Hestekind and Linda Kerkman.