Take a look at the Antelope County unofficial election results from yesterday’s General Election. At a glance, here are some results of interest to Elgin residents from the Antelope County election.
For Member of the Legislature, District 40, Barry DeKay has won with a total district vote count of 9,466 (59.4%) to Keith Kube’s total of 6,478 (40.6%). By counties, the breakdown was: Antelope County, DeKay 1216 Kube 1021; Cedar County, DeKay 1851 Kube 1751; Dixon County, DeKay 681 Kube 834; Holt County, DeKay 2611 Kube 1180; Knox County, DeKay 2550 Kube 1085 and Pierce County, DeKay 557 Kube 607.
County voters chose to “elect a county supervisor”, 1135 to 899. On the Proposed Constitutional Amendment 1 (airport revenue spending), votes in favor were 1468 to 621 against. Initiative Measure 432 (valid ID for voting), votes in favor were 1971 to 395 against. Initiative Measure 433 (increase the minimum wage), votes in favor were 994 to 1376 against….statewide, the constitutional amendment and both initiatives passed.
Click here to see all the results. https://elginreview.com/wp-content/uploads/Unofficial-General-Election-Result-report-11082022235214.pdf