Notice of Sale — Estate of Margaret Schrage


The Estate of Margaret Schrage will accept bids for the sale of Margaret’s house and property in Elgin, Nebraska. The property is a two bedroom house located at 407 2nd Street south of the Catholic Church in Elgin. The property is legally described as South 80 feet of the North 120 feet of Lot 4, Block 4, City of Elgin, Antelope County, Nebraska. Written offers for purchase of the house and property will be accepted until February 24, 2012.  Offers should be addressed to the attorney for the estate, James J. McNally, PO Box 164, Neligh, Nebraska 68756. Any questions involving the property may be directed to Mr. McNally at 402-887-5022. The Estate reserves the right to reject any bids not deemed acceptable to the personal representative.

Margaret Schrage Estate

Ralph Pelster, Personal Representative

Publish: February 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2012