By Joyce Sullivan
Elgin Public Library will again have a summer reading program. Our theme this year is Make a Splash Read! This year we are inviting everyone, adults as well as children, to read books. If you read 10 library books and have us record them at the library, you will be invited to a private swimming party near the end of the summer. Other prizes will be given at the swimming party to those who participate. Adults, this is your opportunity to show children that you value reading by reading with them! We do ask that you use our library materials and not books that you have at home.
The Omaha Royals team is again donating tickets to Nebraska Public Libraries for Summer Reading. We will have 15 tickets to give away for the Omaha Royals vs. Tacoma Rainiers game on Sunday, Aug. 8, 2010. Since this is the last year to play at Rosenblatt Stadium there will be fireworks after the ball game.
Story time for 3-6 year olds will be Monday and Wednesday mornings at 10:00 beginning June 7.
Activity times and programs for school age children will be announced later. If you have an idea for a water related program or would like to present a program, please call the library!