May Meeting
May 8, 2023
The Wheeler Central Board of Education Regular Board Meeting was held May 8, 2023. Chairperson Kasselder called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and pointed out the location of the Open Meetings Act poster. The roll was called with the following present: Jessie Swick, Adam Freouf, Dennis Derner, Andrew Smith, Zach Wright and Drew Kasselder. Also present were Dan Kluver and Makayla Reiter.
Wright made the motion to omit 6.1, 6.2, and 6.11 from the agenda as there was nothing new to present and approve the consent agenda as presented. Seconded by Swick. Roll call vote: Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Smith – aye, Wright – aye, Kasselder – aye. Motion carried.
AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, Tech Supply, 330.83; AMG O’NEILL, Transportation Labs, 150.00; BIBS & BOOTS CAFÉ, Supply, 55.00; BRANDING BARN, Supply, 1,411.50; BURWELL TRIBUNE, Publishing, 250.30; DAS STATE ACCTG – CENTRAL FINANCE, OCIO, 718.96; EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT # 8, Employee Training; SPED, 8,702.80; ELGIN REVIEW, Publishing, 170.93; ELITE OFFICE PRODUCTS, Copier Lease, 773.90; ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC., Maintenance Repair, 361.80; GROCERY KART, Supply, 46.45; HONORBOUND IT, Network, 300.00; ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO, Secondary Supply, 116.56; JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY, Secondary Supply, 198.10; MSM ENTERPRISES, LLC, OT Services, 1,103.48; NE COUNCIL SCHOOL ADMIN, Superintendent Fees, 385.00; NEBRASKA AG ED ASSOCIATION, Professional Dues, 235.00; NORTHEAST NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO, Phone Service, 293.87; O’NEILL SHOPPER, Publishing, 61.00; OMAHA WORLD HERALD, Media Subscription, 290.44; ONE SOURCE, Background Check, 45.00; PAPER 101, Office Supply, 522.90; PEOPLE’S SERVICE, Transportation Repair, 23.00; PETAL & STEM, Supply, 84.97; PLUGGE’S ROD SHOP, Transportation Repair, 590.61; QUILL, Office Supply, 37.08; RODEO MARKET, Early Childhood Supply, 44.30; SAPP BROTHERS, Propane, 1,013.40; SLEVA, DEB, Supply, 135.00; TIME MANAGEMENENT SYSTEMS, INC., Time Clock System, 35.00; TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES, Copier Lease, 335.00; TOWN AND COUNTRY AUTO BODY, Transportation Repair, 972.63; W E MART, Transportation Fuel, 4,006.21; WAGON WHEEL SALOON & STEAKHOUSE, Supply, 110.00
Chairperson Kasselder welcomed the visitors and opened the floor for public comment. No visitors were present.
No Staff Report was given.
Principal Reiter stated that they had requested a list from all staff to start building a list due for maintenance. No Maintenance Report was given.
Principal Reiter gave the Transportation Report: They are working on getting older school vehicles ready to sell as requested by the transportation committee. They are also currently on the lookout for another vehicle to assist with SPED transportation to Clearwater everyday.
Principal Reiter gave the Principal Report: The Jr High track season wrapped up on a good note. Thanks to all the coaches and volunteers for helping out. The Jr High boys won 2 meets during the year. High School track is wrapping up with districts this week. The Spring Concert happened this month and went well. Speech also wrapped up this month and did well sending a few kids to state. The FFA banquet was hosted and had a good turnout, it raised more money than last year. NECC singers came and performed a show choir for the school. Jr and Sr classes attended a career fair in NECC and it was very informative. The school hosted a Human Traffic Speaker for the public and it was well attended. The academic and athletic banquets were hosted and had good attendance. Elementary field day is May 15th and the last days of school are the 15th with the 16th as a make up day.
Superintendent Kluver gave the Superintendent Report: A budget committee was held on Apr 26th, they are starting to get a way ahead on next year’s budget. The County Clerk is estimating a 6-8% increase in valuation. He attended a discussion with local Superintendents about the recent updates in accreditation and what they mean to rural schools. June 7th at 9am they are hosting a home-school consultation meeting as required by the state. Announced that the is planning on working Mon-Thur this summer while taking Fri and PTO days. Also he is planning on taking Bereavement time around July 15th to attend a family funeral.
During the Board Report, Derner brought up that there are many activities that the school takes off for this time of year and if they are all necessary. Spring activities (track, golf, speech) are mostly mid-week and during the day. FFA has also taken 26 days this year during the school day where a majority of the secondary attends. Principal Reiter assured that elementary trips must be educational and this year she removed the spring trip for the secondary because the schedule was too full and there wasn’t a time. Discussion was held about how to better manage these activities.
Superintendent Kluver presented an update to the estimate on the lunch room bathroom project to be completed with ESSER III dollars.
A bid was presented to the board for lawn services performed by the Nordhues family.
Swick made a motion to increase the bus route pay from $33 a route to $34 a route. Seconded by Kasselder. Roll call vote: Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – nay, Smith – aye, Wright – aye, Kasselder – aye. Motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding Substitute teacher compensation.
Discussion was held on how to use existing School Nutrition funds. A bid was presented for a new mixing bowl. There was also discussion on insurance options for classified staff and current lunch prices.
Principal Reiter presented the Science Curriculum the teachers have been researching and distributed books for the curriculum they choose to go with. Smith made a motion to approve the Discovery Education science curriculum. Seconded by Wright. Roll call vote: Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Smith – aye, Wright – aye, Kasselder – aye. Motion carried.
Freouf made a motion to approve the Pre-School Handbook as presented. Seconded by Swick. Roll call vote: Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Smith – aye, Wright – aye, Kasselder – aye. Motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding the existing playground fence at the elementary. Bids were presented on options to replace it. No action taken.
Superintendent Kluver presented prices to start using touch screen devices to replace the existing SMART Boards that are currently aging and in need of replacing. Wright made a motion to purchase up to 5 touch screen devices to replace the aging SMART Boards. Seconded by Smith. Roll call vote: Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Smith – aye, Wright – aye, Kasselder – aye. Motion carried.
Swick made a motion to approve Board Policy 5045 as presented. Seconded by Derner. Roll call vote: Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye, Smith – aye, Wright – aye, Kasselder – aye. Motion carried.
Swick made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Wright. Al in favor. Motion adjourned at 10:28 p.m.
The next regular board meeting will be held June 12, 2023 at 9 a.m.
PUBLISH: May 17, 2023