Notice of Hearing — Antelope County Planning Commission

The Antelope County Planning Commission will hold a public meeting and public hearing on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 downstairs meeting room at the Antelope County Courthouse beginning at 7:00 pm.  There will be a public hearing regarding the Conditional Use Permit #CUP1802 for Thunderhead Wind Energy LLC for a Commercial Wind Energy System in all sections of T24N, R8W, Sections 2-11, 14-23, 26-35 T24N, R7W, Sections 26-35 T25N R7W, Sections 25-36 T25N R8W, Sections 1-22, 27-30 T23N R8W and Sections 2-6 T23N R7W.  The meeting is open to the public.  All interested parties are welcome to attend.
The agenda is kept continually current and is available for public inspection at the Zoning Office.  For more information, contact Liz Doerr, Zoning Administrator at 402-887-4248 or
PUBLISH: October 10, 2018