By Dennis L. Morgan
Sometime in 2009, construction will begin on a new UV system for the wastewater treatment plant here in Elgin.
On Monday night, Mayor Bill Evans and the Elgin City Council signed the necessary documents to proceed with obtaining a loan of more than $100,000 from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) revolving loan fund to pay for the UV system over the span of the next 20 years.
On another matter, Janet Koinzan again raised the issue of burning trees with the Council. Aware that the Council had earlier this year passed a fee of $100 per hour to have firemen and a fire truck present at any burn permit location, Koinzan wanted to pin down the cost for a safe burn. Councilman Richard VonBonn said the burned tree residue needs to be buried before sundown.
Council member Shirley Nissen said she didn’t think the fire chief would issue a burning permit to burn the trees. Mayor Evans said there was no way to determine a cost because there are a number of variables to take into consideration.
Koinzan also raised the issue of curb and gutter replacement. Last month, the city attorney gave an opinion to the Council that curbs and gutters are part of the sidewalk and should be the responsibility of the property owner.
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