Proceedings — Antelope County Board of Commissioners

Neligh, Nebraska
June 27, 2017
Chairman opened meeting.  Notice of meeting published as required by statute.
Approved vendor claims.
Antelope Co Sheriff, ex, 18.00; Barco Municipal Prod, ex, 200.00; Luann Bartos, mlg 75.32; Black Hills Energy, ut, 95.59; Bomgaars, ex, 25.98; Cash-Wa Dist, ex, 2859.71; Neligh City, ut, 2415.39; Clearwater Record, ex, 11.00; Creston Fert, ex,  420.60; Cubby’s, ex, 591.58; Drivers Guide, ex, 29.95; Eakes Office, ex, 1021.27; Elgin Review, ex, 7.77; Elite Office, ex, 79.95; Green Line Equip, ex, 3187.50; Lyle Hart, mlg 20.00; Lynne Heithoff, mlg 32.40; Holiday Inn, ex, 182.00; Overhead Door, ex, 902.00; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 1788.84; Madison Co Sheriff, ex, 175.87; Marina Inn, ex, 182.00; Mid-American Benefits, ins, 577.50; Sandra Moser, mlg 53.70; NE Health & Human Ser, ex, 93.00; Neligh News, ex, 58.60; O’Neill Pest Control, ex, 85.00; Connie Ofe, ex, 457.98; Office Depot, ex, 1299.72; Office Systems, ex, 1018.78; One Office Solution, ex, 65.84; Pathology Medical, ex, 2030.41; Petty Cash, clerk 10.00; Petty Cash, sheriff 1.61; Petty Cash, weed 79.56; Pinnacle Bank, ex, 29.28; Greg Ptacek, mlg 10.00; Quality Inn, ex, 209.90; Quill Corp, ex, 550.82; Region IV, ex, 226.75; Marci Ryan, ex, 120.00; Sanne Rpr, ex, 817.50; Simple Minds’, ex, 1275.00; Thriftway Mkt, ex, 444.82; US Treasury, ex, 349.37; Unl Its Comm, ex, 91.04; Van Diest Sup, ex, 1758.50; Willie’s Ser, ex, 41.12; Gail Wortman, mlg 38.88; Zee Medical Ser, 55.40; Derek Zuhlke, mlg 85.80; Antelope Co Treas, ex, 900,000.00; Pitney Bowes, ex, 5000.00.
Road & Bridge: At Large: B’s Enterprises, ex, 9195.55; Bomgaars, ex, 645.87; Colonial Research, ex, 143.90; Cornhusker Int, ut, 56,986.49; Creston Fert, ex, 105.40; Casey Dittrich, ex, 1292.30; Jebro, ex, 84,297.90; JEO Consulting, ex, 10,361.00; Lawson Prod, ex, 58.37; Lazy T Tire, ex, 15,900.00; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 27,000.00; Newman Signs, ex, 6329.82; NMC Exchange, ex, 292,500.00; Norfolk Auto, ex, 21,990.00; Quality Iron, ex, 194.50; RDO Truck, ex, 2368.14; Reinke’s Farm, ex, 680.47; Road Builders, ex, 78,170.99; Dave Schrader, ex, 4800.00; Spud Trucking, ex, 4980.94; Sta-Bilt Constr, ex, 20,430.00; Van Diest Sup, ex, 1330.95.
Brunswick Area: Bomgaars, ex, 178.97; Frontier Comm, ut, 77.23.
Orchard Area: Black Hills Energy, ut, 72.11; Bomgaars, ex, 29.88; Frontier Comm, ut, 77.72; Spud Trucking, ex, 10,384.20; Tinsley Grain, ex, 3039.00.
Clearwater Area: Black Hills Energy, ut, 37.33; Bomgaars, ex, 38.98; Colonial Research, ex, 245.40; OK Tire, ex, 21.50; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 1725.81; Clearwater Village, ut, 54.00; Road Builders, ex, 5964.99.
Neligh Area: Frontier Comm, ut, 127.19; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 608.85.
Tilden Area: Bomgaars, ex, 35.47; Constellation Gas, ut, 243.80; Frontier Comm, ut, 77.45.
Oakdale Area: Black Hills Energy, ut, 39.99; Bomgaars, ex, 36.98; Nebr Public Power, ut, 50.20.
Elgin Area: Black Hills Energy, ut, 78.19.
Visitor Promotion: Orchard Comm Club, ex, 300.00.
Visitor Improvement: Antelope Co Ag Society, ex, 1500.00.
Reappraisal: GIS Workshop, ex, 13,000.00; NACO, ex, 125.00. Nebr Dept of Property, ex, 600.00; Quill Corp, ex, 495.90.
Law Enforcement: Digital-Ally, ex, 18,990.00; Neligh Dentistry, ex, 196.00; Netcom, ex, 9829.00; Pinnacle Bank, ex, 303.15; Thriftway Mkt, ex, 78.67.
Zoning Administrator report.
Correspondence was reviewed.
VSO Final Report from Ron Marshall.
Appraisal Contract option-no action taken.
Approved paying of Township claim.
Approved four (4) underground permits.
Approved one (1) Road Access Permit.
Denied one (1) Road Access Permit.
Approved transfer of funds from General to Road & Bridge.
Approved one (1) Promotional Fund.
Approved one (1) Improvement Grant.
Denied one (1) Improvement Grant.
Approved transfer funds from Law Enforcement Bond to General.
Denied Electronic Signature for JEO.
Road Boss Report.
Meeting Adjourned.
Antelope County Board of Commissioners
Chairman of County Board
Antelope County Clerk Deputy
PUBLISH: June 28, 2017