It’s the event which defines Elgin more than any other. And, now, it’s upon us again.
The 87th annual St. Boniface Parish Thanksgiving Bazaar will be held Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24.
From near and far, families come to feel the warmth of the tradition and to enjoy some of the best cooked food served anywhere.
The menu doesn’t seem to vary from year to year and still they come. Beginning at 11 a.m. and running through 2 p.m., the dinner menu will consist of turkey & dressing, original special recipe sausage, potatoes and gravy, sauerkraut & ribs, cranberry salad, jello salad, homemade pies & desserts, corn and dinner roll.
Two hours after the dinner line shuts down, the evening buffet will start serving. Evening hours will be 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The tradition dates back decades. Here’s a brief reflection on those early years.
The first bazaar was held in 1924. Our first clipping, however, was from 1926. Even way back in 1926, they still raffled off prizes. But there were only 14. Some of which were: a ton of harris coal, a pig (weighed about 100 pounds), and a blanket. Dinner started at 11:30 and went straight on until 5:30. There was no admission charge and it was only 50 cents a plate.