Proceedings – March 11, 2024
The Village of Bartlett board meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. on March 11, 2024. The meeting met at the Village Office, 425 Randolph St. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Williamson. The members present were Williamson, Nichols, Plugge, Einspahr and Nordhues. Also present: Emma Smith, village clerk. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by posting at: Bartlett Post Office, WeMart, and Village Office. Chairman Williamson proclaimed the meetings to be a legal meeting and acknowledged that the Open Meetings Act was posted in the meeting room.
MINUTES: It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Nordhues to approve the February 12, 2024, regular meeting minutes. Roll call vote: Yes—Plugge, Nichols, Nordhues, Einspahr and Williamson. No: None. Absent: None. Abstained: None. Motion Carried.
STREETS: The board will be meeting with the project engineers for the street grant.
WATER: Was discussed.
SEWER: It was moved by Plugge, seconded by Einspahr to hire the city of Ord to come and clean out the sewer lines. Roll call vote: Yes—Plugge, Nichols, Nordhues, Einspahr and Williamson. No: None. Absent: None. Abstained: None. Motion Carried.
KENO: Was discussed
USER FEES: Were discussed.
FEBRUARY CLAIMS: It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Einspahr to pay all claims except those to Mark Nordhues for Professional fees of $300. Roll call vote: Yes—Plugge, Nichols, Nordhues, Williamson, and Einspahr. No: None. Absent: None. Abstained: None. Motion Carried. It was moved by Einspahr, seconded by Plugge to pay Mark Nordhues’ claim. Roll call vote: Yes—Plugge, Nichols, Williamson, and Einspahr. No: None. Absent: None. Abstained: Nordhues. Motion carried.
GENERAL: Internal Revenue Service, Payroll Taxes, $51.50; RSR Electrical Contracting, Repair of West Alarm Siren, $292.00; Elgin Review, Newspaper Publication, $54.11; NE Dept of Revenue, Lottery License Renewal, $100.00; Postmaster, Roll of Stamps, $68.00; Northeast Nebraska Telephone, Telephone & internet, $131.25; L & L Sanitation, Garbage pick-up, $1,627.75; Letti Nichols, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Mark Nordhues, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Kurt Einspahr, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Scott Plugge, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Dan Williamson, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Emma Smith, Salary, $310.92; Printer Ink, $115.92
SEWER: Loup Valley RPPD, February Utilities, $46.39
STREETS: WeMart, Fuel, $80.12; Hubel Iron, New Pin, $77.76; Dan Williamson, Pothole Repair, $154.50
Rick Custard, Pothole Repair, $169.50; Loup Valley RPPD, February Utilities, $876.99
WATER: Loup Valley RPPD, February Utilities, $548.22; Mark Nordhues, Professional Fee, $300.00
OTHER BUSINESS: The siren next to the school was discussed along with the plans to get it fixed. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Nordhues to pay the Columbus Motor Company the difference of the total amount due minus the insurance claim check for the damage to Scott Howells pickup. Roll call vote: Yes—Plugge, Nichols, Williamson, and Einspahr. No: None. Absent: None. Abstained: Nordhues. Motion carried. The village will be putting up a mowing bid for the park, pump house and water tower in the next several weeks. The discussion of a splash pad was brought up to the board.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be Monday, April 8th, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
Dated this 11th day of March 2024
Dan Williamson, Chairman/ Scott Plugge, Vice-Chairman
Emma Smith, Village Clerk
PUBLISH: March 20, 2024