WHEREAS, the Village of Bartlett Nebraska is the owner of the following described real estate, to-wit:
Lots 7, 8 and 9 except the North 40 inches of lot 9, Block 3
Original Town of Bartlett, Wheeler County, Nebraska,
WHEREAS, such property is determined to be surplus property, and,
WHEREAS, an offer to purchase such property has been made by Calvin and Bethany Wagner for the total sum of $4,950.00 which is determined to exceed the fair market value of such property, and,
WHEREAS, it appears that due to the fact that such property is not being used for Village purposes and is surplus property that it would be to the best interests of the Village and its residents that it be sold to Calvin and Bethany Wagner for their tendered offer of $4,950.00 subject to notice requirements of Neb. Rev. Stat.§17-503.01.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Bartlett Nebraska that the above described property be and hereby is deemed surplus property; that an offer to purchase such property from Peoples Service, Inc. for the sum of $4,950.00 cash exceeds the fair market value of such property and that it is to the best interests of the Village and it’s residents to accept such offer and convey by Quit Claim deed the above described property to the said Calvin and Bethany Wagner.
BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED that the offer of Calvin and Bethany Wagner to purchase the above described property for the sum of $4,950.00 be and hereby is accepted and that the Village Clerk post a notice of sale in three prominent places within the Village for a period of not less than seven days and that thereafter the sale shall be confirmed by Ordinance to be adopted by the Village Board.
Dan Williamson
Chairman of the Village Board
Vicki Vannier
Village Clerk
PUBLISH: November 23, 2022