Proceedings-Village of Bartlett



10 OCTOBER 2022

The Village of Bartlett board meeting was called to order at 7:05  p.m. on October 10, 2022.  The meeting met at the Village Office, 425 Randolph St.  The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Williamson.  Members present were, Reiter, Williamson, Einspahr, and Nichols.  .  Absent:  Plugge.  Also, present:  Jerry Koinzan and  Vicki Vannier, village clerk.  Notice of the meeting was given in advance by posting at:  Bartlett Post Office, WeMart, and Village Office.  Chairman Williamson proclaimed the meetings to be a legal meeting and acknowledged that the Open Meetings Act was posted in the meeting room.

MINUTES:  It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Reiter to approve the September 12, 2022, minutes.  Roll call vote:  Yes—Reiter, Nichols, Plugge, Williamson.  No:  None.  Absent:  Plugge.  Abstained:  None.  Motion carried.

Jerry Koinzan was recognized.  Discussion followed about the culverts going from the village to the east side of Highway 281.  They need to be cleaned out and drainage needs to be re-established.  The state will be contacted as it is their responsibility to keep them clean.  J. Koinzan will be killing the trees that are growing around the lagoons.  J. Koinzan also brought up the fact that tree branches along the streets are too low and need to be removed.  Jerry Koinzan was thanked for pushing in the greenery clippings at the tree dump.

STREETS:  Einspahr will be putting up the street signs that are missing.  He is also going to repair the fence around the lagoons.

WATER:  Was discussed.  No action taken.

SEWER:  Was discussed.  No action taken.

KENO:  Was discussed.  No action taken.

USER FEES:  were discussed.

OCTOBER CLAIMS:  Were discussed.  It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Reiter to pay the claims.  Roll call vote:  Yes—Reiter, Nichols, Plugge, Williamson.  No:  None.  Absent:  Plugge.  Abstained:  None.  Motion carried.

GENERAL: Internal Revenue Service, Federal Payroll Taxes, $191.96; Burwell Tribune, Publication of Budget Meeting, $208.00; Elgin Review, Publication of minutes, $67.91; Northeast Nebraska Telephone, Telephone & internet, $136.82; Scheef Insurance LLC, Insurance, $827.00; Department of Labor, Unemployment, $25.00; Creative Sites, LLC, Donation spent from Wheeler Co. Foundation, $2,700.00; Grossarts Inc., Replace toilet at park, $199.00; L & L Sanitation, Garbage pick-up, $1,627.75; Nordhues Family, Mowing September–extra cleaning, $525.00; Sam’s Club, Office Supplies, $232.54; Nebraska Department of Revenue, 3rd Quarter tax payment, $127.50; Kurtis Einspahr, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Letti Nichols, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Doug Reiter, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Dan Williamson, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Scott Plugge, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Vicki Vannier, Monthly Salary, $204.02


KENO: Creative Sites, LLC, Playground Equipment, $322.64


SEWER: Loup Valley Pub. Power Dist., Electricity-September, $44.90


STREETS: Eddie Thompson, Street Repair, $5,000.00; Loup Valley Pub. Power Dist., Electricity-September, $786.50


WATER: Mark Nordhues, Professional Fee, $200.00; Reimbursement–mailing of water samples, $112.23; Loup Valley Pub. Power Dist., Electricity-September, $706.38



OTHER BUSINESS:  It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Reiter to keep the old playground equipment.  Roll call vote:  Yes—Reiter, Nichols, Plugge, Williamson.  No:  None.  Absent:  Plugge.  Abstained:  None.  Motion carried.  ***Several people in and around the community stated that they would replace any broken boards and make the equipment safe.  A book will be placed in the skid-loader for ADULTS to sign in and out with the times that they used the skid-loader.  ONLY adults should be driving the skid-load with the permission of board members.  It was moved by Nichols, second by Reiter to pass Resolution 10102022; a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard mitigation Plan.  Roll call vote:  Yes—Reiter, Nichols, Plugge, Williamson.  No:  None.  Absent:  Plugge.  Abstained:  None.  Motion carried.   

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

The next regular meeting will be Monday, November 14, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.

Dated this 10th day of October 2022

PUBLISH: October 19, 2022