10 FEBRUARY 2025
The Village of Bartlett board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on February 10, 2025. The meeting met at the Village Office, 425 Randolph St. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Williamson. The members present were Williamson, Plugge, Einspahr, Tetschner and Nordhues. Also present: Members of the public and Emma Smith, village clerk. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by posting at: Bartlett Post Office, WeMart, and Village Office. Chairman Williamson proclaimed the meetings to be a legal meeting and acknowledged that the Open Meetings Act was posted in the meeting room.
MINUTES: It was moved by Nordhues, seconded by Einspahr to approve the January 13, 2025, regular meeting minutes as written. Roll call vote: Yes—Plugge, Nordhues, Einspahr, Tetschner and Williamson. No: None. Absent: None. Abstained: None. Motion Carried.
STREETS: The board discussed the issues still happening with the stop signs and lights at the school crosswalk. They are hoping to install new signs that read “stop when flashing”. More potholes in town were filled.
WATER: Each resident in town will be receiving a notice about a missed lead and copper test. There is no suspected issue with the water in town.
SEWER: Was discussed.
KENO: Was discussed.
USER FEES: Were discussed.
MAY CLAIMS: It was moved by Einspahr, seconded by Nordhues to pay all claims except those to Mark Nordhues for Professional fees of $300 and the claim from Scott Plugge. Roll call vote: Yes—Plugge, Nordhues, Williamson, Tetschner and Einspahr. No: None. Absent: None. Abstained: None. Motion Carried. It was moved by Einspahr, seconded by Tetschner to pay Mark Nordhues and Scott Plugge’s claims. Roll call vote: Yes—Williamson, Tetschner and Einspahr. No: None. Absent: None. Abstained: Nordhues and Plugge. Motion carried.
GENERAL: Internal Revenue Service, Payroll Taxes, $79.80; Postmaster, 2 rolls of stamps, $146.00’ Tyler Schmitz, Customer deposit, $61.35; Plugge’s Rod Shop, Antifreeze, $15.99; Rick Custard, Potholes, misc jobs, $135.00; L & L Sanitation, Garbage pick-up, $1,742.00; Sherry Tetschner, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Mark Nordhues, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Kurt Einspahr, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Scott Plugge, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Dan Williamson, Board Member Expense, $50.00; Emma Smith, Clerk Conference & Hotel Room, $261.52; Keys for Office, $25.62; Salary, $481.77
SEWER: Loup Valley RPPD, Utilities, $58.73
STREETS: Peoples Service, Tire, $395.00; Ken’s Trailer Sales & Repair, Alignment, suspension enhancements- Ford 2008, $1,723.00; Ken’s Trailer Sales & Repair, Snow Plow for Ford 2008, $10,350.00; Scott Plugge, Reimbursement of snow blade, $1,158.72; Loup Valley RPPD, Utilities, $1,107.21
WATER: Loup Valley RPPD, Utilities, $536.45; Wiese Waterworks, Opened hydrants, $315.00; Central District Health Dept., Water Tests, $78.00; NE Public Health Environmental Lab, Water Tests, $278.50; Mark Nordhues, Professional Fee, $300.00
OTHER BUSINESS: Alexis Sprout presented a new grant opportunity for the splashpad as well as a new company’s proposal for construction. The board decided to send the new proposal over to the lawyer for review. The board was all in agreement to move forward with a new grant.
Drew Kasselder and members of the school board proposed the village applying for a planning grant for the hopeful new community center. This grant would only include the planning portion of the project. The town will not have to fund anything included in this grant. It was moved by Nordhues, seconded by Einspahr to approve applying for this planning grant. Roll call vote: Yes—Plugge, Nordhues, Williamson, Tetschner and Einspahr. No: None. Absent: None. Abstained: None. Motion Carried.
Dan Kluver discussed the school crosswalks with the board. They also discussed the need for no parking signs on Randolph street in front of people’s houses. The village should be receiving those signs soon.
There will be another car show and cook off in town on May 31, 2025.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be Monday, March 10th, 2025, at 7:00 p.m.
Dated this 10th day of February 2025.
Emma Smith, Village Clerk
PUBLISH: February 19, 2025