Proceedings — Elgin City Council

February 5, 2018
The Elgin City Council met in regular session on Monday, February 5, 2018, at 7:30 p.m., pursuant to posted notice.  Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order, and announced the location of the Open Meeting Act.
Mayor Schmitt called the Reorganizational Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Council members present were Don Mackel, Mike Dvorak, Duane Miller and Jim Kittelson.
A complete and accurate copy of the minutes is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the City Clerk’s office.
The following agenda items were approved:
• January regular meeting minutes, treasurer’s report, transaction report, and paying the claims.
GENERAL: ERPPD, se, 90.34; Great Plains Communications, se, 50.84; Fitzgerald, Vetter & Temple, se, 350.00; Jeanette Meis, se, 75.00; Prudential, retirement, 930.20; US Treasury, tax, 3645.58; Elgin Review, prnt, 64.73; Dean’s Market, su, 9.85; APPEARA, su, 44.16; Bank of Elgin, ins, 2250.00; Black Hill Energy, se, 251.02; Central Valley Ag, su, 256.37; Antelope County Clerk, se, 3.00; Northeast NE Clerks Association, dues, 20.00; Elgin Body and Glass, se, 150.00; Payroll, 1819.04
SALES TAX: Pool Fund: 2052.09
STREET: ERPPD, se, 1335.10; Verizon Wireless, su, 55.47; Elgin One Stop, su, 682.05; Black Hills Energy, se, 151.20; Home Town Station, su, 310.56; Central Valley Ag, su, 7.98; Dean’s Market, su, 18.20; Bomgaars, su, 71.99; Sapp Bros, su, 37.42; Jim Kittelson, machine rent, 200.00; Payroll, 1324.83
WATER: ERPPD, se, 859.56; Verizon Wireless, su, 55.47; Great Plains Communications, se, 43.90; NE Health Lab, test, 82.00; CVA, su, 30.84; USA Bluebook, su, 68.42; Mark Tharnish, return, 47.37; Sargent Drilling, rprs, 6732.77; US Post Office, su, 73.15; Dept of Revenue, tax, 42.14; Mark Tharnish Account, return, 52.63; Tanner
Dozler Account, return, 100.00; Payroll, 2649.66
SEWER: ERPPD, se, 1036.99; Great Plains Communications, se, 48.04; Midwest Labs, Test, 182.75; Dept of Revenue, tax, 15.62; Payroll, 1017.63
FIRE: ERPPD, se, 143.74; Great Plains Communications, se, 54.82; APPEARA, su, 44.16; Black Hills Energy, se, 610.67; Echo Electric, su, 37.15
POLICE: Antelope Co Sheriff, se, 2,700.00; Dwain’s Security, rprs, 520.00
TRASH PICKUP/RECYCLING: Bud’s Sanitary Service, se, 4630.50; Betty Moser, rent, 100.00
POOL: ERPPD, se, 30.14; Black Hills Energy, se, 33.68; Central Valley Ag, su, 17.00; Dvorak Const., rprs, 380.00
PARK: ERPPD, se, 185.48; NE Dept of Revenue, tax, 19.63; Payroll, 307.21
LIBRARY: ERPPD, se, 68.68; Amazon, bks, 267.16; Black Hills Energy, se, 146.77; Great Plains Communications, se, 107.23; Elgin Insurance Services, ins, 50.00; Central Valley Ag, su, 19.98; Payroll, 1134.84
• The pool and park sign for $5,550.00
• Charging Jeff Scholl for sewer and trash pickup
• Building Permits:
The following agenda items were discussed:
• Removal of five bins and the construction of two new bins
• Future plans for develop by CVA
• Costs for Parking Lot at Pool
• Walking path at Elgin Public Schools and research for grant funds
• Obtaining costs to tap water and sewer mains
• Letter from Great Plains Communications stating increase to cable tv costs
• Sign for pool listing donors of $1000.00 or more
• Key punch lock for well house
• Timer for exhaust fan at fire hall
• Sheriff’s report: December 109 hours and 14 minutes with 9-911 calls. Total for 2017
• 1076 hours and 48 minutes with 86-911 calls.
• Snow removal in alleys is only done in emergencies
• Reminder that incumbents need to file by February 15, 2018
• Ad for pool personnel will be ran in February with hiring done a March meeting
• Next regular meeting will be held on Monday,  March 5, 2018
• Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
PUBLISH: February, 14, 2018