Proceedings – District #45 Board of Education


DISTRICT #45 Board of 


August Meeting

August 14, 2023

The Wheeler Central Board of Education Regular Board Meeting was held August 14, 2023. Acting Chairperson Freouf called the meeting to order at 8:09 p.m. and pointed out the location of the Open Meetings Act poster. The roll was called with the following present: Andrew Smith, Zach Wright, Jessie Swick, Adam Freouf, and Dennis Derner. Absent: Drew Kasselder. Swick made a motion to excuse the absence of Drew Kasselder. Seconded by Smith. Roll call vote: Wright – aye, Smith – aye, Freouf – aye, Swick – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.  Also present were Dan Kluver, Makayla Reiter, and Andrea Pelster.

Smith made the motion to approve the consent agenda with modifications of moving item 6.5 and the claim for ALICAP to the next regular board meeting. Seconded by Swick. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.

AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, District Supply, 1,109.85; AMG O’NEILL, Transportation Physical, 150.00; BURWELL TRIBUNE, Publishing, 248.55; COUNTRY PARTNERS, Maintenance Supply, 116.25; DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY, Elementary Supply, 22.50; DISCOVERY EDUCATION, Curriculum, 21,795.00; EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #8, PreK SPED; SPED; Employee Trainging, 32,894.13; ELGIN REVIEW, Publishing, 178.60; ELITE OFFICE PRODUCTS, Copier Lease, 315.10; GENERATION GENIUS, INC., Elementary Supply, 120.00; GRAND ISLAND INDEPENDENT, Media Supply, 231.19; HEARTLAND FIRE PROTECTION, Maintenance, 2,138.65; HEFFNER, RYAN, Graduation Supply, 30.00; HONORBOUND IT, Network Support, 300.00; JUICE PLUS COMPANY, THE, Secondary Supply, 546.00; LA QUINTA BY WYDHAM, Superintendent & Principal Room Fees, 649.75; LOUP VALLEY R.P.P.D., Electricity, 2,374.56; MCGRAW-HILL, Elementary Textbooks, 309.20; MCI, Phone Service, 60.23; MENARDS, Maintenance Supply, 50.34; MSM ENTERPRISES, LLC, OT Services, 424.66; NASCO, Secondary Supply, 184.94; NE COUNCIL SCHOOL ADMIN, Superintendent & Principal Fees, 1,325.00; NE RURAL COMM SCHOOL ASSOC, Membership dues, 850.00; NEU YOU PHYSICAL THERAPY, PC, PT Services, 428.50; NORDHUES FAMILY, Mowing Service, 450.00; NORTHEAST NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO, Phone Service, 293.99; O’NEILL PEST CONTROL, Maintenance, 480.00; ONE SOURCE, Background Checks, 109.00; ONEILL PUBLIC SCHOOL, Summer Speech Services, 1,999.19; QUILL, District Supply, 2,467.43; SACK LUMBER COMPANY, Maintenance Supply, 553.57; SCHOLASTIC INC, Elementary Supply, 589.37; SCHOOL SPECIALTY, Elementary/Secondary Supply, 478.43; TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, INC., Time Clock System, 35.00; TOM DINSDALE, Transportation Repairs, 605.96; TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES, Copier Lease, 335.00; ULINE, District Supply, 196.92; WE  MART, Transportation & Maintenance Fuel, 648.13; WELLS FARGO EQUIPMENT FINANCE INC., Transportation Lease, 6,613.00; WIESE WATERWORKS, LLC, Maintenance Repair, 435.00; WM KROTTER CO., Maintenance Supply, 22.99

Acting Chairperson Freouf welcomed the visitors and opened the floor for public comment. Public comment was held at this time.

Abi Parker gave an update on extracurricular activities during the staff report.

During the maintenance report, an update was given on the sidewalk and bathroom projects.

Trina Pelster gave an update on the number of students on routes during the Transportation Report. Derner also requested bids for lettering on school owned vans.

Reiter gave the Principal report. She commented on the Back-to-School night, teacher inservice days, and Administrative Days held in Kearney. She noted the changes NDE has made. We have 7 new students attending Wheeler Central. 

During the Superintendent report, Kluver reported on sessions he attended at Administrative days in Kearney. He also noted the Rule 10 corrections have been approved by NDE. A request has been sent to the state to add Brady Baker as a local substitute. He also reminded the board about the NASB School Board Trainings coming up.

No board report was given.

Swick made a motion to approve the certified staff contracts as offered and signed by the staff and Board President and Secretary. Seconded by Wright. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.

Smith made a motion to approve the payment of $10,153.74 to Hemingford Public School to provide Spanish instruction to Wheeler Central students during the 2023-2024 school year. Seconded by Swick. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.

Discussion was held on the need for a solution to the back playground area to separate the kids from the neighboring property. The Grounds Committee will do an inspection and report back to the board.

Swick made a motion to approve the change in dismissal times for school on August 25th, September 8th, and September 25th to a 2 p.m. dismissal due to football games with a start time of 3 p.m. This motion was seconded by Wright. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.

During item 6.1, Principal Reiter discussed the needs for writing curriculum to be utilized within the district across grade levels. She also discussed the need to update the 7-12 math curriculum to meet the new adopted standards.

Due to the number of projects that have moved dirt and rock in front of the Elementary building and new gym, more rock is needed to cover the dirt. Smith made a motion to approve the purchase of 2 loads of 1” red rock to cover parking lots from the first available company. Seconded by Swick. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.

Mr. Kluver informed the board on the 2023-2024 Property Tax Authority. The state legislature passed several legislative bills relating to property tax limitations for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year and the ability of districts to collect property taxes.  Our property tax limit was determined to be $3,819,507 for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year.  We are allowed to increase that amount up to 7% with 70% (5 out of 6) board member approval to $4,082,948 for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year.  The state will use the limit approved to establish the following year’s  base for calculations.

Wright made a motion to set the date for the 2023-2024 Budget Hearing as September 11, 2023 at 7 p.m. This motion was seconded by Swick. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.

Smith made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 CWC Activity Handbook, approve Lindsey Metschke as the new Dance Team coach for 2023-2024, approve the continuation of the CWC Cooperative for all sports, and approved a $5,000 deposit into the CWC Cooperative account. Seconded by Wright. Roll call vote: Wright– aye, Smith – aye, Swick – aye, Freouf – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carried.

Swick made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Derner. All in favor – aye. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Next regular board meeting is September 11, 2023 following the Budget Hearing.

PUBLISH: August 23, 2023