Regular Meeting
EPS Lunchroom
April 14, 2021 7:30 PM
President Steve Busteed called the regular meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. Board members present were Eric Beckman, Ron Bode, Steve Busteed, Todd Heithoff, Luke Hinkle, and Lisa Welding. Also present were Superintendent Mike Brockhaus and Principal Greg Wemhoff.
President Busteed led the “Pledge of Allegiance.” Busteed reminded everyone that a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Law was posted in the meeting room.
School board meeting notice complied with Meeting Notice Policy #204.07.
Lisa Welding motioned and Todd Heithoff second to approve the Consent Agenda: #5- Minutes of Previous Meeting, #6- Adopt the Agenda, #7- Financial Report, #8- Board Bills. Motion carried, vote 6-0.
AMH, Transportation, $145.00; Antelope County Clerk, Board Expense, $116.89; Appeara, Maintenance, $284.70; Beckman Lumber, Instru Expense, $265.60; Bomgaars, Maintenance, $29.85; City of Elgin, Maintenance, $858.81; COR Therapeutic Services, Instru Expense, $2,816.00; Central NE Rehab, SpEd Expense, $455.43, SpEd Expense, $406.68; Dean’s Market, Maintenance, $37.30, Instru Expense $44.84, Instru Expense, $120.78; Eakes, Maintenance, $1,115.07; ESU #8, SpEd Expense, $26,670.30, Instru Expense, $2.00; Elgin Body & Glass, Transportation, $363.74; Elgin Hardware, Maintenance, $136.69, Instru Expense, $3.29; Elgin One Stop, Transportation, $1,559.01; Elgin Review, Board Expense, $45.71, Business Expense, $1,290.50; Elite Office Products, Business Expense, $371.70, Instru Expense, $348.77; GHA Technologies, Inc., REAP Expense, $13,791.00; Good Life Counseling, Instru Expense, $1,239.14; Graham Tire, Transportation, $622.71; GP Communications, Business Expense, $674.76; Grey House Publishing, Instru Expense, $495.00; Holiday Inn, Admin Expense, $229.90; Hometown Station, Transportation, $826.53; Island Supply, Instru Expense, $99.20; John’s Disposal, Business Expense, $15.00; Jonny Dodge, Transportation, $2,105.53; JW Pepper, Instru Expense, $368.98; KSB School Law, Board Expense, $1,230.00; Ken’s Band Instrument Repair, Instru Expense, $35.00; MSM Enterprises, SpEd Expense, $160.32; Mystery Science, Instru Expense, $1,249.00; NCSA, Admin Expense, $90.00; NRCSA, Admin Expense, $210.00; Nebraska Safety Center, Transportation, $375.00; Olson’s Pest Technicians, Maintenance, $129.60; Precision Repair, Transportation, $122.40; Region 3, Admin Expense, $25.00; Reimbursement, $2,197.17; TMS, Business Expense, $56.70; Textbook Warehouse, Textbook Loan, $317.60; Verizon Business, Business Expense, $89.23; Verizon Wireless, Business Expense, $276.68; WageWorks, Instru Expense, $170.75
Total Board Bills: $64,690.86
April Payroll: $238,095.50
Total Board Bills/ Payroll: $302,786.36
President Busteed recognized visitors and asked if the patrons had any comments. Theanna Dunn, Riley Vitamvas, and Jessica Getzfred thanked the school board for sponsoring their Jr./Sr. class trip to Omaha last week. They visited area attractions and were appreciative of the opportunity. Thank you notes were shared with the school board.
In Committee Reports, the superintendent’s 2nd evaluation has been completed. President Busteed met earlier with Supt. Brockhaus and reviewed the evaluation.
In the Principal’s report, Mr. Wemhoff reviewed the spring activities calendar. He reported the need to encourage community service but not require community service because of liability issues.
In the Supt. Report, Mr. Brockhaus gave an overview of the NRCSA Conference and the budget workshop he had attended in March. Mr. Brockhaus, Mr. Wemhoff, and Mrs. Rittscher attended a 2-day training on emergency operations planning. Elgin Public emergency plan will be completed soon. He asked members to look over surplus items that have been removed from storage. At the May meeting they will need to decide how they want to dispose of those items.
In action items, Welding motioned and Luke Hinkle second to approve the 2021 Graduation list. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Ron Bode motioned and Eric Beckman second to approve the bid from Kallhoff Electric in the amount of $226.49 for the electrical work for the stage bleachers. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Welding motioned and Heithoff second to approve teacher requisitions for 2021. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Heithoff motioned, Hinkle second to approve the teacher contract for Logan Douglas as resource teacher. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Welding motioned, Bode second to approve the teacher contract for Dylan Kaup as Spanish teacher. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Bode motioned, Welding second to accept the resignation of Eric Mlinar with regret. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Hinkle motioned, Beckman second to regretfully accept the resignation of Kerri Drueke. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Welding motion, Heithoff second to add lowering mechanisms to 2 side basketball hoops in the gym at a cost of $2,790.00. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Welding motioned, Beckman second to approve the bid from Flenniken Plumbing to replace two toilets in the kindergarten room. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
In discussion items, the school board discussed fixing rain gutters on the gym and preK building and preserving the senior composites with new displays.
Motion by Beckman second by Heithoff to adjourn the meeting. All voted aye, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
The next meeting will held on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. in the Lunchroom at Elgin Public School
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Bode, Secretary
Paula Jensen, Recorder
-This is a draft copy and does not become official Elgin Public Board minutes until approved at the next regular or advertised meeting.
PUBLISH: April 21, 2021