Proceedings- Antelope County Commissioners

Neligh, Nebraska
October 5th, 2021
Notice of meeting published as required by statute.
A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the County Clerk’s Office and are open to the public.
Chairman opened meeting.
Approved agenda. Minutes of 09-07-2021 and 9-14-2021 BOC meeting were approved.
Correspondence was reviewed.
Quarterly Jail Inspection was completed after meeting.
No action on 150th Antelope County Anniversary.
COVID leave discussion. Antelope County will pay 80 hours of leave for COVID – one time.
Treasurer will issue accelerated distress warrant on foreclosed property.
Zoning Administrator Report. Approved two (2) administrative plats. NextLink public hearing was held. Approved tower placement, construction and resolution.
Meeting with landowner regarding road. Directed County Attorney to draft ROW Occupancy permit with warning regarding water on road.
Road Superintendent Report – tabled nine (9) access permit. Discussion of maintenance policy and access permit application. No formal action.
Meeting Adjourned.
Antelope County Board of Commissioners
Chairman of County Board
Attest: LISA PAYNE /s/
Antelope County Clerk
PUBLISH: October 13, 2021