Proceedings – Antelope County Board of Supervisors


Neligh, Nebraska

August 9, 2011

Notice of meeting published as required by statute.

A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the County Clerk’s office and are open to the public.

Those responding to roll call: Bolling, Kerkman, Baker, Williby, Henery and Schwager.  Brandt appeared later.

Signed resolution vacating 861 Road between 526 and 527 Avenue, Ellsworth Township.

Reviewed correspondence.

Reviewed the following July reports: treasurer’s fund balance report, miscellaneous fee report, clerk of the district court fee report and county sheriff’s fee report.

Conducted the 3rd quarter jail inspection.

Authorized the county clerk to re-advertise for bids for 1-3 dump trucks.

Signed the Agreement and Notice to Proceed Clearwater North Projects.

Signed resolution adding Orchard North Project No. C-2(357) to the One and Six Year Road Program.

Approved the following claims for payment. We, the Committee on Claims, report that we have examined and approved for payment the following claims.

GENERAL FUND: Amera, Chem, ex, 46.95; AMH Family Practice, ex, 180.00; Antelope Co Court, ex, 68.00; Antelope Co District Court, ex, 134.00; Antelope Co Resource Center, ex, 2242.00; Antelope Co Sheriff, ex, 538.64; Appeara, ex, 73.66; AS Central Finance, ex, 538.72; Larry Baker, mlg, 75.76; Merlin Bolling, mlg, 74.93; Bomgaars, ex, 95.97; Harlan Brandt, mlg, 152.75; Braun Pest Control, ex, 25.00; Dean Brown, ps, 50.00; Carney Law, ex, 3133.34; Char Carpenter, mlg, 26.11; Ardith Carr, ex, 82.84; Elgin City, ex, 500.00; Neligh City, ut, 385426; Clearwater Record, ex, 340.97; Keith Cooper, ps, 50.00; Cubby’s, ex, 473.03; Dean’s Mkt, ex, 187.04; Dollar General, ex, 56.50; Douglas Co Treasurer, ex, 250.00; Eakes Office Products, ex, 196.46; Elgin Review, ex, 354.86; Elite Office Products, ex, 90.37; Frontier Communications, ut, 2201.05; Gas Rite, ex, 1991.41; Green Line Equip, ex, 8.16; Carol Hanlin, ex, 220.50; Charles Henery, mlg, 118.22; Nadene Hughes, ps, 28.00; Jack’s Uniforms, ex, 256.85; Alice Jensen, ps, 32.00; Judy Kalvelage, ex, 498.71; LeRoy Kerkman, mlg, 62.16; April Knust, ex, 44.00; Willetta Lindsay, ex, 14.49; Lynn Peavey Co, ex, 47.88; Madison Co Sheriff, ex, 737.89; Madison Co Treasurer, ex, 9956.49; Gerald Maple, ps, 40.00; Merlyn Maple, mlg, 27.75; Norma Maple, ps, 32.00; Ron Marshall, mlg, 44.40; Martin’s Flag, ex, 276.76; Heather McWhorther, mlg, 54.02; James Meuret, ex, 1565.50; Microfilm Imaging Systems, ex, 133.00; MIPS, ex, 493.05; Nebr Assessor’s Assn, ex, 50.00; Nebr Motor Vechicles, ex, 4.00; NE Health & Human Ser, ex, 180.00; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 72.47; Neligh News, ex, 447.02; Neligh Police Dept, ex, 165.00; Neligh Postmaster, ex, 110.00; 911 PC Repair, ex, 529.95; OK Auto Parts, ex, 39.90; OK Tire, ex, 43.75; Orchard News, ex, 269.48; Orval’s Auto, ex, 46.25; Donna Payne, ps, 50.00; Pitney Bowes, ex, 5000.00; Plainview News, ex, 26.73; Precision Repair, ex, 223.83; Robinson Textiles, ex, 367.45; Jerald Schwager, mlg, 318.74; 7th Judicial Mental Health, ex, 252.94; Sheriff Petty Cash, ex, 148.50; Caroline Siems, ps, 50.00; Dewey Teel, mlg, 106.90; Telebeep, ut, 146.38; Terrascan, ex, 12,373.78; The Station, ex, 22.37; Thriftway Mkt, ex, 856.82; UNL IS Communications, ex, 12.95; US Cellular, ut, 150.19; Clearwater Village, ex, 500.00; VISA, ex, 51.28; Wanek Pharmacy, ex, 33.10; Wayne Co Treasurer, ex, 3984.15; Western Office Plus, ex, 63.28; Neil Williby, mlg, 105.45; Willie’s Service, ex, 330.94; Woods & Aitken LLP, ex, 240.00; Elgin Public School, ex, 60.60; Pope John School, ex, 21.20; St Boniface School, ex, 75.30; Neligh, Oakdale School, ex, 85.20; Clearwater Public School, ex, 50.60; Dugan Business Forms, ex, 329.30; Don’s Lock, ex, 230.00                    ROAD & BRIDGE: (Brunswick Area) Bazile Aggregate, ex, 640.00; Bomgaars, ex, 294.07; Key Sanitation, ut, 18.00; Frontier Communications, ut, 65.63; John Hruby, ex, 945.00; Kumm Gas, ex, 4913.92; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 171.35; Nebr Machinery, ex, 4072.74; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 80.36; North Central Public Power, ut, 110.28; Powerplan, ex, 412.41; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 331.25; 2M Auto Repair, ex, 208.70; Brunswick Village, ut, 65.00 (Orchard Area) Farmer’s Pride, ex, 5268.64; Frontier Communications, ut, 55.83; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 1449.00; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 1011.15; North Central Public Power, ut, 44.11; Powerplan, ex, 376.85; T, J’s Corner Hardware, ex, 101.19 (Clearwater Area) LeRoy Blecher, ex, 83.05; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 109.88; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 5301.42; Island Supply Welding, ex, 23.11; Midwest Service, ex, 417.93; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 161.05; NE Nebr Telephone, ut, 48.56; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 3336.42; Don Snider, ex, 57.50; Texaco, ex, 200.46; Clearwater Village, ut, 52.00 (Neligh Area) Cubby’s, ex, 196.48; Frontier Communications, ut, 55.70; Jonny Dodge, ex, 64.60; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 95.00; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 247.44; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 1.04; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 1342.32; Ray Schlecht, ex, 54.23; Willow Creek Sand & Gravel, ex, 4336.00; Advanced Fuels, ex, 2397.05 (Tilden Area) ATCO International, ex, 137.50; Bomgaars, ex, 26.99; Constellation Energy Gas, ut, 12.63; D&M Machinery, ex, 23.20; Darren’s Service, ex, 568.80; Frontier Communications, ut, 54.36; Jonny Dodge, ex, 41.90; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 1062.69; Nebr Public Power, ut, 248.37; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 40.18; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 84.72; Willow Creek Sand & Gravel, ex, 160.00 (Oakdale Area) Great Plains Communications, ut, 86.28; Green Line Equip, ex, 56.21; Kayton Inl, ex, 143.82; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 642.04; Nebr Public Power, ut, 34.65; Northeast Glass, ex, 499.33; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 586.56; Powerplan, ex, 253.08; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 87.90; Rutjens Construction, ex, 935.00; Oakdale Village, ut, 12.75 (Elgin Area) Central Valley Ag, ex, 8.00; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 61.62; Great Plains Communications, ut, 49.66; Nebr Machinery, ex, 22.26; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 4979.82; Powerplan, ex, 489.47; SAPP Brothers, ex, 58.60; Source Gas, ut, 24.93; The Station, ex, 194.82 (At Large) Appeara, ex, 142.24; B’s Enterprises, ex, 10,374.55; Bomgaars, ex, 416.37; Central Valley Ag, ex, 11.67; Cubby’s, ex, 42.64; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, ut, 330.99; JEO Consulting, ex, 7504.00; Island Supply Welding, ex, 170.50; Jebro, ex, 156,001.78; Jonny Dodge, ex, 3096.97; John Deere, ex, 25,315.33; Kayton Inl, ex, 4550.00; Kumm Gas, ex, 1319.20; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 2300.12; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 330.76; Midwest Service, ex, 4731.60; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 530.76; Orval’s Auto, ex, 63.50; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 531.43; Rose Equip, ex, 21.85; Royal One Stop, ex, 92.52; Sanne Repair, ex, 298.75; Nebraska Dept of Revenue, ex, 11.00; Nebr Machinery, ex, 371.62; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 363.62; Newman Traffic Signes, ex, 1205.50; Northern Materials, ex, 20,545.50; OK Auto Parts, ex, 321.66; Schroeder Land Surveying, ex, 466.00; Texaco, ex, 1565.50; Tinsley Grain, ex, 3464.25; Advanced Energy Fuels, ex, 6962.50

COURTHOUSE BOND FUND: Union Bank & Trust, ex, 119,485.00

BUILDING FUND: Berggren Architects, ex, 832.29; Schindler Elevator, ex, 1685.99

WEED CONTROL FUND: Antelope Co Sheriff, ex, 24.45; Bomgaars, ex, 82.85; Cubby’s, ex, 1590.03; Frontier Communications, ut, 114.72; Robert Hofacker, mlg, 14.43; Mid, West Repair, ex, 246.20; Bruce Ofe, petty cash, 93.42; Chuck Thiemann, ex, 100.00; Verizon Wireless, ut, 54.05; David Willats, mlg, 33.30; Neligh City, ut, 99.32; Schaben Industries, ex, 78.33

GENERAL FUND PAYROLL: Total Wages, 61,586.57; WH, 6293.34; SS, 10,549.59; ST, 3197.18; AFLAC, ins, 124.80; Ameritas, ret, 9271.85; Ameritas, ins, 320.12; BC/BS, ins, 41,153.33; Colonial, ins, 3.25; 1st Concord, ins, 299.33; Madison National, ins, 139.24; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 240.00; Washington National, ins, 616.20

ROAD & BRIDGE PAYROLL: Total Wages, 40,750.09; WH, 3696.74; SS, 6842.71; ST, 1339.09; AFLAC, ins, 384.16; Ameritas, ret, 5327.22; Ameritas, ins, 266.16; BC/BS, ins, 23,239.06; Garnishment, 600.00; Colonial, ins, 64.80; Madison National, ins, 87.81; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 127.50; Washington National, ins, 24.90

WEED CONTROL PAYROLL: Total Wages, 6383.23; WH, 721.09; SS, 1072.24; ST, 210.07; AFLAC, ins, 65.65; Ameritas, ret, 730.54; Ameritas, ins, 25.92; BC/BS, ins, 1307.66; Madison National, ins, 3.20; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 7.50; Washington National, ins, 3.80

Approved the conditional use permit submitted by Calvin Heithoff for the construction of a machine shed.

Approved the conditional use permit submitted by Ag Agronomy Center for the construction of a 750,000 gallon fertilizer tank.

Heard an update from the RC&D Council; approved contributing $1,000.00 per year beginning July 1, 2012.

Accepted the informal quote from B’s Enterprises, Norfolk, NE for culverts for the Orchard North Project.

Set the village law enforcement fees.

Meeting adjourned.

Antelope County Board of Supervisors


Chairman of County Board


Antelope County Clerk

PUBLISH: August 17, 2011