July 1, 2013
The Elgin City Council met in regular session on Monday, July 1, 2013, at 7:30 p.m., pursuant to posted notice. Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order, and announced the location of the Open Meeting Act. Council members present were Shirley Nissen, Don Mackel, Kenny Jochum and Jim Kittelson.
A complete and accurate copy of the minutes is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the City Clerk’s office.
The following agenda items were approved:
June regular meeting minutes, treasurer’s report, transaction report, and paying the claims.
GENERAL: ERPPD, se, 86.95; Great Plains Communications, se, 54.99; Fitzgerald, Vetter & Temple, se, 398.59; Jeannette Meis, se, 75.00; Prudential, retirement, 546.29; USTreasury, tax, 3155.64; APPEARA, su, 26.42; Eakes Office Plus, su, 152.77; Elgin Review, se, 53.69; Dean’s Market, su, 25.15; VMiller, su, 176.66; Ramada Inn, se, 150.00; NE Dept of Revenue, tax, 828.19; Source Gas, se, 103.28; Bank of Elgin, ins, 1436.42; Bank of Elgin, loan, 500.00 – Payroll, 2677.89
SALES TAX: To General; $2565.56
STREET: ERPPD, se, 1529.23; Elgin One Stop, su, 262.60; Verizonwireless, su, 18.44; Bank of Elgin, loan, 875.05; Source Gas, se, 33.68; The Station, su, 282.73; Elgin Auto Parts, su, 47.23; Asphalt and Concrete Materials, su, 4030.53; Jerry’s Feed Service, rprs, 1.25; Elgin Equipment & Machine Co, rprs, 530.45; Payroll, 1098.78
WATER: ERPPD, se, 523.47; NE Dept of Revenue, tax, 330.39; Verizonwireless, su, 18.45; Great Plains Communications, se, 90.60; US Post Office, su, 25.30 –NE Public Health Lab, se, 533.00; Hawkins, su, 133.00; Elgin Review, su, 57.50; Antelope Co Register of Deeds, se, 10.00; Jen Hoffman Account, deposit, 100.00; Payroll, 2035.05
SEWER: ERPPD, se, 845.32; NE Department of Revenue, tax, 108.87; Great Plains Communications, se, 45.83; Dean’s Market, su, 1.50; Midwest Labs, se, 242.96; Sapp Brothers, su, 1.00; Nebtech Calibration, rprs, 144.85; US Post Office, su, 16.85; Payroll, 766.29
FIRE: ERPPD, se, 244.85; Great Plains Communications, se, 52.02; APPEARA, su, 26.41; Elgin Insurance Services, ins, 7026.00; Source Gas, se, 135.99; Bank of Elgin, loan, 1846.71
POLICE: Antelope Co Sheriff, se, 2640.00
TRASH PICKUP/RECYCLING: Bud’s Sanitary Service, se, 4629.25; Betty Moser, rent, 100.00; Albracht Disposal Service Inc, se, 1317.76
POOL: ERPPD, se, 273.11; Source Gas, se, 949.92; Great Plains Communications, se, 58.86; APPEARA, su, 26.41; Dean’s Market, su, 3.67; Elgin Review, se, 139.50; CVA, rprs, 97.12; Jerry’s Feed Service, rprs, 42.31; NE Dept. of Revenue, tax, 44.50; Bank of Elgin, su, 90.00; Payroll; 6449.87
PARK: ERPPD, se, 454.90; Central Valley Ag, rprs, 23.79; Don’s Electric, rprs, 65.50; NE Dept of Revenue, tax, 137.19; Payroll, 251.23
LIBRARY: ERPPD, se, 60.21; Source Gas, se, 39.22; Amazon, bks, 166.30 ; Great Plains Communication, se, 78.98; Chuck Arkfeld, rprs, 192.00 ; Payroll, 923.88
YOUTH: St. Bon Ball Field Asso, rent, 1500.00; ERPPD, se, 38.72; Stadium Sports, su, 299.75
Approved changing the draft ordinance 3-307 to include breeds of dogs listed on the insurance list and to grandfather in the dogs already in City limits
Sitting the dog licensing fee at $15.00 per dog
Suspend the reading of Ordinance 3-306 on three different days
Ordinance 3-306, providing for the licensing of dogs
Setting the fee for a kennel license at $500.00
An easement to allow and access road off of Boa Street
Five year contract with Bud’s Sanitary Service
Increasing monthly trash pickup fees $.75 to reflect rate increase from Bud’s Sanitary Service
Building permits from Brian Evans, Greg Wemhoff and Koinzan Enterprises
Interlocal agreement with Antelope County for Library agreement
Paying an additional claims from B & S Concrete for steps at fire hall
Remove stumps at park and fire hall
Closing the pool on Thursday night July 4, 2013
Discussions were held:
Ordinance 3-206 that requires owner to pick up after their dogs
Propane tanks at the campground
Ownership of Plantation Street
ADA Policy Statement for Nebraska Department of Roads-Tabled until August
Recycling of glass
Meis Subdivision-Tabled until August
Sewer Backup policy-Tabled until August
Water Leaks
Camp ground hydrant
Mowing of park
Trimming of trees for close mowing
County coverage of 125 hours and 18 minutes and 3 911 calls
Trimming of tree in campground area
Next regular meeting will be held on August 5, 2013
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
PUBLISH: July 10, 2013