Proceedings — Antelope County Board of Supervisors

Neligh, Nebraska
May 5, 2015
Notice of meeting published as required by statute.
A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the County Clerk’s Office and are open to the public.
Those responding to roll call: Bolling, Brandt, Henery, Kerkman, Baker, Williby and Schwager.
Antelope County Attorney addressed the Supervisors regarding criminal acts, convictions and recent bonding of County Officials, pursuant to his letter to the Board.
Supervisor Brandt was asked by the Supervisor Board to resign.
A unanimous vote was cast to remove Supervisor Brandt from office due to illegal action, and his lack of current coverage by the county’s bond, and the fact he did not have a current individual bond.  Brandt excused himself from the meeting.  Board agreed to advertise to fill his vacancy by appointment pursuant to statute at a later date.
A unanimous vote was cast to remove County Treasurer Sandy Knapp from office due to illegal action, and current bonding coverage due to expire in June.
Appointed Deb Branstiter as Interim Antelope County Treasurer.  Supervisors agreed to advertise to fill vacancy by appointment at a later date.
Signed resolution regarding Invenergy Road Changes.
Signed resolution regarding re-grading and graveling 838th Road, and added to One and Six Year Road Program.
Tabled Stop Sign Resolution, and Oakdale South Bridge Project.
Voted to have Brian McDonald Study Bridge by Thiele Dairy.  C-2(321) on 515th Avenue.
Merlin Conry, Invenergy, met with the Supervisors regarding gravel and asked if they could use Sinclair Sand and Gravel if current Antelope County Gravel suppliers do not have quantity available.  Motion approved.
Met with John and Judy Wilcox regarding Invenergy setbacks.
Met with LeVern Hauptmann and Ray Ahrens regarding moving of a Rural School House and the Log Cabin the vacant lot across from the current Historical Museum.  Action tabled until funding and action are more definite.
Mr. Ahrens inquired about shingling the Pioneer Church.  He had spoken with a company regarding roofing the church.  However, the foreman did not get back to him.  He will gather information regarding a bid.
Reviewed leave benefits at the request of Antelope County Assessor.
Approved 24 tax list corrections.
Met with Randy Reinke and Art Tanderup regarding generator at old jail site.  Motion was made to sell generator to City of Ainsworth as originally planned.
Met in executive session regarding personnel matter.
Sheriff Moore reported on money generated from current cross county inmate stays.
Approved Merit Mechanical maintenance agreement.
Discussion of Panic Buttons.  More ideas need to be explored.
Discussion of water and electricity at old jail site they will remain on for now.  Gas supply can be cancelled.
Discussion of old jail building equipment and supplies.  All can be sold.
Approved permit to place permanent electric lines beneath 866th road within Antelope County.
Reviewed correspondence.
Meeting adjourned.
Antelope County Board of Supervisors
Chairman of County Board
Attest: LISA PAYNE /s/
Antelope County Clerk
PUBLISH: May 13, 2015