A third wind farm may soon be under construction in Antelope County.
The Nebraska Power Review Board has scheduled a formal evidentiary hearing for May 22 in Lincoln to consider an application for Prairie Breeze Wind Energy III, LLC.
According to a public notice which can be found on page five of this issue, Prairie Breeze III is requesting approval to construct a 35.8 megawatt wind turbine electric generation facility and related facilities.
“The related facilities will include a substation, switchyard, an operation and maintenance facility, an interconnection tie line and access roads,” the application states.
The proposed location for the facility is generally southeast of Elgin. Estimated cost for the project would be $60 million.
If approved, construction is expected to begin on June 1, 2015.
This spring, construction began on Prairie Breeze II, located generally north and east of Elgin.
Last year, construction was completed on Prairie Breeze I which consists of approximately 120 wind turbines.