Nebraska Public Power District will hold a second round of open houses in Petersburg and Ericson from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Jan. 11 and Jan. 12, respectively.
These meetings will be held to acquire feedback that will help the utility consider where best to route a future 115,000-volt transmission line. The Petersburg meeting will be held at the Legion Club and the Ericson meeting will be held at the Starving Stallion.
The future power line is needed to provide power to a new Loup Valleys Rural Public Power District substation, which will serve one of five new electrical pumping stations TransCanada is building in central Nebraska as part of its Keystone XL pipeline project.
Since the area’s first open house meetings in August, NPPD has been reviewing comments from property owners and other key stakeholders and using its routing criteria to narrow the study area into a corridor.
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