Notice of Organization — Pelster Acres, L.L.C.

The name of the limited liability company: Pelster Acres, L.L.C. The address of the designated office is: 83946 516 Avenue, Elgin, Nebraska 68636. It is organized to transact any lawful acts concerning any and all lawful business, other than banking or insurance, for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska.
This company commenced upon filing the Certificate of Organization with the Secretary of State on March 23, 2018 and its existence shall be perpetual. The affairs of the limited liability company are to be conducted by the members under an operation agreement duly approved by its members.
Martin V. Klein
Doerr & Klein, P.C. P.O. Box 166
Neligh, NE 68756-0166
(402) 887-4190
PUBLISH: March 28, April 4 and 11, 2018