In the Matter of the Application of Prairie Breeze Wind Energy III, LLC, Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Requesting Authority to Construct
A 35.8 Megawatt Wind Turbine Electric Generation Facility and Related Facilities in Antelope County, Nebraska.
On May 1, 2015, Prairie Breeze Wind Energy III, LLC, filed an application with the Nebraska Power Review Board (the Board) requesting approval to construct a 35.8 megawatt wind turbine electric generation facility and related facilities. The related facilities will include a substation, switchyard, an operation and maintenance facility, an interconnection tie line, and access roads. The proposed location for the facility is generally southeast of the City of Elgin in Antelope County, Nebraska. The total estimated cost of the project is $60 million. The applicant estimates construction would begin on June 1, 2015.
Notice is hereby given that the Nebraska Power Review Board will hold a formal evidentiary hearing on May 22, 2015, beginning at 9:30 a.m., in the Liquor Control Commission hearing room, 5th floor, Nebraska State Office Building, 301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, Nebraska, to consider the above-referenced application. At that time the Power Review Board will receive testimony and other evidence regarding the construction of the proposed project.
Any interested person may attend the hearing. Parties wishing to be heard or to protest said application, or in any way participate in the hearing, must file a written Petition for Intervention with the Power Review Board prior to the date of the hearing. Any interested parties granted intervention may appear, file objections, and offer evidence regarding this application.
The Board hereby provides notice, pursuant to the Nebraska Administrative Procedure Act, that in the event of a contested hearing, if any party requests that the Board be bound by the formal rules of evidence, all costs of the hearing shall be paid by the party or parties against whom a final decision is rendered. Pursuant to the Board’s rules of practice and procedure set out in Nebraska Administrative Code, Title 285, Chapter 3, section 29.04, if for some reason there is no final decision in a hearing in which a party requested that the Board be bound by the formal rules of evidence, the costs of the hearing will be borne by the parties’ respective contribution to the record, unless otherwise ordered by the Board.
Individuals requiring special accommodations should contact the Board at the address below prior to the time of the hearing. Petitions for Intervention or other filings should be mailed to: Nebraska Power Review Board, P.O. Box 94713, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509. Filings may also be hand delivered to the Board’s offices located on the Lower Level of the Nebraska State Office Building, 301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, Nebraska. To request additional information, or to obtain a copy of the application, contact the Board at the above address or call (402) 471-2301.
Timothy J. Texel
Executive Director and General Counsel
PUBLISH: May 13, 2015