By Skylar Reestman, Elgin Review intern
Twenty-six students and a number of parents, all from the Elgin community, will be traveling across the country to Washington D.C. to fight for a cause bigger than themselves — Life.
The March for Life is an annual rally peacefully protesting both the practice and legality of abortion, held in Washington D.C., on or around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a decision issued in 1973 by the United States Supreme Court.
History of the March, events planned
The first March for Life was founded by Nellie Gray and was held on January 22, 1974 on the Capitol with an estimated 20,000 supporters. Although it was intended to be a one-time event to reverse the Roe v. Wade case, it has turned into an annual event that continues to grow and gain more and more support from all over the world.
The Elgin community members attending the March for Life will leave on January 21 from the Sacred Heart Parish Center in Norfolk following registration and Mass. The traveling method is by bus, alongside Humphrey Lindsay – Holy Family community members. Lucky for us, our very own Terry Reicks will be the bus captain this year.
The members attending the March for Life will have a week full of activities. Upon arrival, students and chaperones will attend mass at the St. Joseph’s Cathedral alongside hundreds of other students who came to D.C. for the March for Life. Then, they will have dinner at the Union Station and have the opportunity to see the White House.
The next day is filled with many activities, including praying outside of Planned Parenthood and taking a tour of local D.C. Students and adults will be able to see the National Mall, Smithsonian, Arlington, or the Holocaust Museum. Of course, there will be a mass at the Cathedral of St. Matthew with all the other archdiocese buses. Following mass, they will attend the Life is Very Good Evening of Prayer, which is a rally filled with many other supporters of the pro-life movement.
And finally, the day of the March for Life has come. Our students gather together with hundreds of thousands of people who came from all over the United States. The pro-life movement involves a peaceful protest, where its supporters march towards the Supreme Court in hopes to overturn Roe V. Wade. Before they begin their march, there are many speeches from politicians, doctors, and pro-life people who tell their stories and experiences on why they are pro-life. In previous years, big politicians like Vice President Mike Pence spoke at the event with President Donald Trump via satellite.
The students from our Elgin community are very excited to attend. Skyler Meis, who will be attending the March for Life for the first time, says “I am very excited to attend the March for Life because I get to be part of something that stands for so much and I’m with others who believe the same as I do.” A second year attendee, Allyson Selting, says she is excited to go because “it’s a life changing experience that I get to have with my friends.”
The March for Life 2020 has many of its supporters coming from Elgin, Nebraska who hope to change people’s minds about pro-life. Hopefully, our students and chaperones from Elgin will have a great experiencing in Washington D.C. while fighting for a good cause.