Local Lutheran churches send diapers to Kenya

IZ diapers Linda Kerkman.web
Local church ladies donate diapers to Kenya

IZ diapers Linda Kerkman.web

Following a visit to Elgin to learn more about agriculture, three area churches reached out with a project of their own to 179 diapers made from tee-shirts were shipped to Kenya last week to support families there.

Thanks to the combined efforts of Immanuel Zion (IZ) Lutheran Church, rural Albion, and Shell Creek and Zion Lutheran Churches, Newman Grove, in September when the service project was begun. The project stemmed from a visit in early September by Elly Oponda of Kisumu, Kenya. With ‘God’s Work, Our Hands’ on Sunday, September 8th, Pastor Elizabeth Goehring, IZ, and Pastor Becky Beckmann, Shell Creek and Zion, joined congregations to collect shirts, cut the fabric away from beneath the arms, triple-fold, and stitch. 

The Sunday launched with Service of the Word at IZ where Opondo was introduced. It wrapped up after the work session with a luncheon hosted by the women of IZ. Linda Kerkman, Elgin, who has shipped more than 800 diapers to Tanzania, taught volunteers how to turn a tee-shirt into an absorbent cloth diaper. 

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