The Elgin Review is happy to announce Olivia Klein will be working at the newspaper office as a summer intern.
“Olivia is a great addition to our staff,” Publisher Dennis Morgan said about her employment.
During the past school year, Miss Klein worked part-time at the newspaper when not competing in Wolfpack sports or Pope John activities.
“We believe Olivia is going to be a great asset to our staff. Readers will notice in this week’s paper she has a keen eye towards photography,” Morgan said.
In addition, she will assist with other areas of newspaper production and commercial printing.
In the coming weeks, she will be assisting with the preparation of the new 2022-23 Wolfpack School Calendar and printing of the fourth edition of Jo Ann Baum’s famous cookbooks.
This fall, she will be a sophomore at Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School.
Olivia is the daughter of Martin and Amy Klein.