Kalvelage Trust donates to new ambulance

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Elgin EMTs were proud to recognize one of the largest donations so far for the Elgin Rescue Service fundraising campaign for a new ambulance and equipment. The Richard Kalvelage Gift Trust recently donated $5,000 to the campaign. At this point, more than $100,000 has been raised towards the goal of $150,000. Recognizing the gift Monday night at the Elgin Fire Hall were EMTs (front row, l-r): Dean Schrage, Kari Schindler, Maria Kinney, Kimberly Young and Vicki Miller. Back row: Duane Miller, Jessica Niewohner, Terry Reicks, Lacy Bottorf, Julie Schiltmeyer, Savannah Wies and Craig Niewohner. To make a donation, contact City Hall during regular business hours.