June Americanism Board Meeting



June 6, 2022

The Wheeler Central Board of Education Americanism meeting was held June 6, 2022. Chairperson Kasselder called the meeting to order at 5:52 p.m. and pointed out the location of the Open Meetings Act poster. The roll was called with the following present: Dennis Derner, Jessica Swick, Drew Kasselder, Sue Patrick. A motion was made by Patrick, seconded by Swick, to excuse the absence of Adam Freouf. Roll call: Patrick – aye, Swick – aye, Kasselder – aye, Derner – aye. Motion carries. Also present were Makayla Reiter, Rodney Olson, and Andrea Pelster.

Reiter presented the proposed curriculum for Elementary Social Studies. The proposed curriculum included Studies Weekley for PreK-4th grade and Savvas Social Studies curriculum for 5th & 6th grade.

Patrick made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Swick seconded. Roll call vote – all aye. Meeting adjourned at 6:09 p.m.

PUBLISH: June 22, 2022