Students from Elgin Pubic and Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High Schools have been selected to receive scholarships from the Elgin Area Community Foundation.
Treasurer Anne Parks announced Monday five students have been selected from application to receive scholarships.Recipients are:
Elgin Public School — Olivia Lindgren
Pope John — Kayce Kallhoff, Breanna Bartak, Haley Zegers and Luke Henn.
For more than a month, scholarship donations have been made.
Donors this year were Mark & Ellen Schmitt, Marilyn Clark and Verona Henn, The Elgin Review, Jim & Betty Getzfred, Dale & Renee Schindler, and from Tony & Nicole Levander. Earlier donations came from VFW Post #5816, Marilyn Reilly, Ed and Anne Parks, Bank of Elgin, Steve & Casey Busteed, Janie Score, Phyllis Kinney, Gale & Barb Mahnke, Mary Avidano, Duane & Vicki Miller, Loren & Connie Nelson, Jim & Chris Redding, Terry & Michelle Reicks, Leora Sullivan, Maxine Uhrenholdt, Scott & Rachel Becker, Eugene & Mary Jane Boes, Lonnie Dinslage, the Dodi Mack Memorial, Mike & Connie Dvorak, Dave & Janice Eischeid, Denis & Janette Henn, Juan Hoefer, Kenny & Jeanine Jochum, Jim & Anne Meis, Kyle & Deb Warren, and Sharon Wilkinson.