Work has begun to clean up the Grothe Grain building property, the Elgin City Council learned Monday night.
So much so, that future palns for the property were the major item discussed during the meeting.
Stan Kallhoff and Brian Reichmuth, representing Central Valley Ag (CVA) who recently purchased the property, spoke to the Council. Kallhoff first addressed the removal of the scale located along Pine Street on the south end of the property. City officials concurred with Kallhoff that when the scale is removed, the pit needs to be filled and ultimately have it contoured to the street with curb and gutter.
In 2008, CVA added a large bin to increase storage capacity. Were another bin, as suggested, be constructed, it would add an additional 800,000 to 900,000 bushel capacity to CVA’s current capacity. One option suggested by Kallhoff and Reichmuth would be for CVA to acquire the land where First Street is and, move the street to the east closer to the alley while retaining the alley.
Mayor William Evans said he sees a problem with closing the street, citing safety issues as well as how the street is used by many and provides access to several locations.
No options were ruled out, nor was anything proposed. The discussion was just the beginning of what could be considered in the future.
In other action:
Attorney Joel McNally presented a preliminary draft of the revised city municipal codes for the Council to review for discussion at a future meeting. The Council voted to accept a bid from TopKote, Inc. to provide 7,000 gallons of armor coating at a cost of $3.05 per gallon. The work will be done this summer. The Council approved hiring a number of persons for summer help. Sue Vanis was hired as pool manager. Approved as co-manager/fulltime life guard was Jamie Bode (providing she gets the necessary certificate). Other full-time life guards hired were Michelle Bauer, Jessica Heithoff, Justine Meis and Connor Kinney. Hired as substitute life guards were Ashley Bode and Christi Getzfred. Jordan Engle was hired as a summer maintenance person. Two applicants were received to coach the girls 12 & under softball team. Bill Mescher and Kim Fangman applied for the position. No decision was made on the applicants. Coaching vacancies remain for five other boys and girls teams.